2023-04-18 19:12:54
What a drama! The Berlin handball players create the Euro miracle in a mega-exciting game, catch up the deficit from the first leg (33:37) once morest Schaffhausen and move into the final round of the Europa League with a 30:24 home win.
Also further: Göppingen following the 31:27 walk win in the quarterfinals at Nexe (Croatia).
The Final Four will take place in Flensburg on May 27th and 28th.
Foxes Berlin — Schaffhausen 30:24
What kind of crazy game was that?!
Which: The first (!) save by Füchse goalkeeper Dejan Milosavljev can only be seen following 26 minutes of play! With his second save, the Serb leveled the first two-goal lead in the game in the 29th minute.
At half time the score is 17:15 — so far only 2 goals out of 5 have been made up! The Swiss muddle through the holey cheese defense of the Berlinerl Although that was exactly what was last practiced on three of the four training days…
Very bitter: Outnumbered, the Swiss caught up two goals at the beginning of the second half, equalizing to 17:17. DAZN commentator Michael Born moans: “Man, man, man, man, man, man …”
The Berliners scored just one goal in the first seven minutes of the second half in front of 7,911 spectators. Too little! Foxes board member Stefan Kretzschmar can be seen in the stands. And he looks really grim.
In the 42nd minute finally the first three-goal lead for the Berliners. The miracle is approaching! Strong: Mathias Gidsel (24), who is back following his twisted right foot in the 33:32 win in Hanover ten days ago.
After 47 minutes, the Berliners are 24:20 ahead – now everything is open once more. Kretzsche is also cheering! And the foxes continue to step on the gas and extend the lead. But Schaffhausen cannot be shaken off.
Great scene in the final phase: During a counterattack, Schaffhausen’s Zoran Markovic jumps into the circle, bangs his head once morest the foot of Füchse goalkeeper Milosavljev and then lands his head extremely rudely on the floor. He remains motionless, needs treatment and is carried out of the hall.
Surprisingly, Milosavljev, who injured his foot and limped badly, received a red card because the referees assumed he was intentional.
Foxes trainer Siewert: “I said to the team before the game, we’ll win by 8 goals, it was a tough fight, so fuck it, it was only 6 and we’re in the Final Four. At some point I also noticed that my prognosis was not correct.”
Nexe – Goeppingen 27:31
That was nothing for Nexe! The nine-goal lead from the first leg (32:23) is easily enough for Göppingen in the second leg. The Swabians don’t let anything go wrong in Croatia and lead 13:12 at the break.
Last year, the Croatians took part in the Final Four and ended up fourth. With four titles so far, Frisch Auf is one of the record winners of the competition.
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