Berlin: Dead girl discovered in pool of blood in basement | Regional –

Berlin: Dead girl discovered in pool of blood in basement | Regional –

Berlin – Horrible discovery in the Berlin district of Marzahn: At around 5.30 p.m. on Sunday, a house on Merseburger Strasse in Berlin a dead woman was discovered. Her lifeless body was said to have been lying in a pool of blood in the basement of the house.

Forensic officers at the crime scene

Foto: Spreepicture

According to initial findings, it is assumed that a criminal offense has been committed, which is why a homicide squad has taken over the investigation.

As BILD learned from police circles, the dead woman is said to be a teenager.

Backgrounds are part of the investigation

Investigators from the State Criminal Police Office were on site with experts from the Criminal Investigation Institute and secured initial evidence.

Berlin: Dead girl discovered in pool of blood in basement | Regional –

A police officer secures the crime scene in the Marzahn district

Foto: Spreepicture

The body was transported to the medical examiner’s office, where an autopsy will be performed on Monday morning to determine the cause of death.

The coroner’s investigation is intended to clarify whether a crime has been committed.

“There are indications that there was no third-party negligence,” a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office told the German Press Agency.

The background to the discovery of the body is currently being investigated. It is not yet known who found the young woman in the basement.



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