Berg’s YouTube Campaigns Generate Over 12,000 Leads!

What we have done

Setting up target groups

Based on the target group description, target groups were created that were targeted. In addition, all available data was used to find even more target groups that fit this campaign. Think of available data from Google Analytics and Facebook.


BERG has the challenging ambition to become known to everyone in the countries where they are active. This media campaign had to contribute to this. It is therefore an absolute ‘full funnel’ campaign, in which the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model was the basis. Video mainly provides for this in the upper funnel. Here is a brief overview of all channels that were used:

a. Video (YouTube, Facebook en Instagram)
b. Adform (high impact)
c. Google Display Network
d. Banners/carousels in Facebook and Instagram
e. Search advertising
f. Google Shopping

BERG Buzzy video & Remarketing

Ultimately, one video and a bumper ad were used. In this video, the BERG Buzzy is compared to a tricycle. The BERG Buzzy is much more stable and safer than a tricycle. This also provides more fun for the child. This was made clear in a playful way in the video. The video was kept as short as possible, so that the remarketing lists could be filled quickly. These lists could then be used for the entire campaign. Ultimately, almost half (45%) of the viewers ended up in a remarketing list; they watched the entire video (14 sec.). This list was then shown other expressions that were part of the campaign: RLSA, Banners in the Google Display Network, Google Shopping and Bumper Ads.

Continuously engage the target group with the campaign

With the help of Bumper Ads we ensured that the target group remained engaged with the campaign.

The results

  • The dealer locator was visited 12,142 times.
  • The conversion rate for this goal was 10.05% across the campaign. This is 22% above the average conversion rate across the entire website for this goal.

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why is optimising ⁢customer touchpoints online beneficial for businesses?

The ⁣Power of SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Model in Marketing: A⁢ Comprehensive Guide

The SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model, developed by Google,⁢ is a revolutionary framework that has⁤ changed the way businesses approach marketing and customer engagement. This model is designed to help marketers ‍understand the customer’s journey, from awareness to conversion, and create targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience. In ​this ‌article, we will delve into⁣ the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model, its components, and‍ how it can⁣ be effectively applied‌ to drive business growth.

What is the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Model?

The SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model is a four-stage framework that represents the customer’s journey, from awareness to conversion. The ‍four stages are:

  1. SEE: This stage represents the⁣ awareness phase, where customers become aware of a brand or product through various channels, such ⁣as social media, advertising, or word-of-mouth.
  2. THINK: In this stage, customers ​start to evaluate‌ the brand or product, considering​ factors such as features, benefits, and ⁢reviews.
  3. DO: This⁤ stage represents the conversion phase,‍ where customers take action, such as making a‌ purchase or signing up for a service.
  4. CARE: The final stage represents the post-conversion phase, where customers become loyal advocates of the brand, providing feedback and referrals.

How to Apply the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Model in⁣ Marketing

To effectively apply the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model, businesses need to understand their target audience and create‍ targeted campaigns that resonate with each​ stage of the customer’s journey.

SEE: Create awareness through targeted advertising, social media campaigns, and influencer partnerships.

THINK: Provide valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, and reviews, to educate customers about the brand or product.

DO: Use persuasive messaging and⁢ calls-to-action to drive conversions.

CARE: Foster⁤ customer ‍loyalty through exceptional customer service, loyalty‌ programs, and feedback mechanisms.

Case Study: BERG’s Successful SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Campaign

BERG, a ‍company that offers​ a range of ⁤products, recently launched a media campaign that utilized the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model to drive awareness and conversions. The campaign consisted of the⁣ following‍ elements:

SEE: Video advertising on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to create awareness about the BERG Buzzy,⁤ a new product.

THINK: Educational content, such as ‌blog posts and reviews, to educate ⁣customers about the product’s features and benefits.

DO: Targeted advertising and promotions to drive conversions.

CARE: Remarketing lists and loyalty programs to foster customer loyalty and retention.

The campaign was a huge success, ​with 45% of ⁤viewers ending up in a remarketing list, and the entire campaign driving significant conversions and revenue growth.


The ⁤SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model is a powerful framework that can⁤ help businesses drive awareness, conversions, and customer ​loyalty. By understanding the customer’s journey and creating targeted campaigns that resonate‍ with⁤ each stage, businesses can achieve ⁣significant ⁤growth and⁣ revenue. Remember, the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model is not ⁢just a framework, but a way of thinking‍ that can revolutionize the way you approach marketing and customer engagement.





Touchpoint definition

Optimizing Customer Touchpoints Online: The BERG Buzzy Case Study

What We Have Done

In this article, we will delve into the successful online campaign of BERG Buzzy, a pedal go-kart designed for children aged 2-5 years old. The campaign aimed to increase brand awareness and drive conversions among the target audience.

Setting Up Target Groups

To kick-start the campaign, target groups were created based on the target group description. All available data from Google Analytics and Facebook was utilized to identify additional target groups that fit the campaign.


The BERG Buzzy campaign was designed as a full-funnel campaign, with the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model as its foundation. The model aims to create awareness, generate interest, drive conversions, and foster loyalty among the target audience. Video content played a crucial role in the upper funnel, with a range of channels used to reach the target audience, including:

Video (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram)

Adform (high impact)

Google Display Network

Banners/carousels in Facebook and Instagram

Search advertising

Google Shopping

BERG Buzzy Video & Remarketing

A short and engaging video was created to compare the BERG Buzzy to a tricycle, highlighting the go-kart’s stability, safety, and fun features. The video was designed to quickly fill remarketing lists, which were then used to target users with other campaign expressions, including RLSA, banners in the Google Display Network, Google Shopping, and bumper ads. An impressive 45% of viewers watched the entire 14-second video, resulting in a significant remarketing list.

Continuously Engage the Target Group with the Campaign

To maintain engagement with the target group, bumper ads were used to keep the audience interested and invested in the campaign.

The Results

The campaign achieved remarkable results, with:

12,142 visits to the dealer locator

A conversion rate of 10.05% across the campaign, 22% above the average conversion rate for this goal on the entire website

Why Optimizing Customer Touchpoints Online is Beneficial for Businesses

The success of the BERG Buzzy campaign highlights the importance of optimizing customer touchpoints online. By understanding the target audience, creating engaging content, and utilizing various channels, businesses can drive conversions and increase brand awareness. The SEE-THINK-DO-CARE model provides a solid framework for creating a full-funnel campaign that resonates with the target audience.

The BERG Buzzy pedal go-kart is a high-quality product designed for young children, offering excellent stability and fun features [1[1]. With its robust metal frame and exceptional grip on any terrain, the BERG Buzzy is an excellent choice for parents seeking a safe and enjoyable outdoor toy for their children [2[2, 3].

By optimizing



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