Berglandmilch: “Our Future Rests on the Global Market

September 10, 1994: On this day, Berglandmilch was entered into the company register. Austria‘s largest dairy took stock of 30 years on Wednesday in Aschbach-Markt in the Amstetten district. The central administration is located there, the company headquarters is in Wels. The roots go back to 1900, when the Schärding sales cooperative was founded, today’s Berglandmilch core brand.

The structure and consumer behavior have changed significantly since 1994, said General Director Josef Braunshofer. During this time, sales rose from 340 million to 1.2 billion euros, and the number of employees from 680 to 1,600. However, the number of operating sites (from 27 to nine) and suppliers (from 22,562 to 8,400) fell. Smaller companies in particular are increasingly closing down due to succession problems.

Image: Berglandmilch


Josef Braunshofer
Image: Berglandmilch

Nevertheless, the cooperative model has proven itself and guarantees independence, said Braunshofer, managing director Georg Lehner and chairman Stefan Lindner. It is about the best possible processing of raw milk, and that will not change.

Braunshofer: “We have become more international and sustainable.” The company would not exist without exports. The quota rose from 7.9 to 38.4 percent in 30 years, and deliveries are made to 50 countries – with Germany as the most important foreign market, ahead of Italy. Berglandmilch withdrew from China due to costs, trade restrictions and lower demand.

According to data from Agrarmarkt Austria, drinking milk consumption is declining on the domestic market in Austria. However, there is growth in dairy products such as whipped cream, butter and cheese. The latter is now only sold in pieces and slices and no longer in blocks, said Braunshofer. With the product mix, the company can achieve higher milk prices. Berglandmilch belongs to 8,400 cooperative members and thus suppliers.

**PAA Related Questions for “Berglandmilch: Austria’s Largest Dairy Celebrates‌ 30 ⁣Years of Success”**

Berglandmilch: ‍Austria’s Largest‍ Dairy Celebrates⁣ 30⁢ Years⁣ of Success

On September 10,‍ 1994, Berglandmilch was officially entered into the company register, marking‌ the beginning of a successful journey that‌ would ⁤see⁢ it become Austria’s largest dairy. Thirty years later, the company is proud to ⁤reflect on its remarkable growth and achievements.

A Rich History

The roots of Berglandmilch date back to 1900, when ⁤the Schärding‌ sales cooperative was founded. ​This⁤ core⁢ brand laid the‌ foundation for​ the company’s future success. Over the years, Berglandmilch has evolved and⁢ expanded, processing milk from around 9,000 dairy farmers in the ​heart of the Alps [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]. The company’s commitment to 100% GMO-free production​ has ⁣earned it ⁤a ⁣reputation for quality and excellence.

Growth and⁤ Expansion

Since 1994, Berglandmilch has experienced significant⁤ growth, with ​sales rising from⁢ 340 million to 1.2 billion euros. The number of employees⁣ has also ⁤increased from⁣ 680 to 1,600 [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2]. While​ the ⁢number of ​operating sites has decreased ​from 27 to nine, the⁤ company has adapted ​to changing market conditions and consumer behavior.

Challenges and Opportunities

General Director Josef Braunshofer​ notes that the ⁤structure and‍ consumer ‌behavior have changed significantly since 1994. Smaller companies ​in particular⁣ are​ increasingly closing down due ‌to succession problems. However, ‌Berglandmilch remains committed to supporting Austrian businesses and​ fostering partnerships with international companies [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].

Celebrating 30 Years⁤ of‍ Success

As Berglandmilch looks back on its 30-year journey, the company can ⁣be proud of​ its achievements. From its humble beginnings ​as a small dairy cooperative⁢ to its current status as Austria’s largest dairy, Berglandmilch has‍ come a long way. The company’s commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability ⁣has earned it a reputation as a leader in the dairy​ industry.

Looking to the Future

As⁢ Berglandmilch celebrates this significant milestone, the company is poised to continue its ⁤growth and⁢ success. With a ‍strong foundation ​and a commitment to excellence, Berglandmilch is ‍well-equipped to face the challenges and opportunities ⁤of the future. Whether you’re ‍a dairy farmer, a supplier,⁣ or a consumer, Berglandmilch ‌is a name you can trust for high-quality, GMO-free dairy products.

Berglandmilch’s 30-year journey is a testament to the power of⁣ innovation, hard work, and​ dedication. ⁢As the company looks ​to the future, it remains committed to its core values and its mission to provide high-quality dairy products to consumers around the world.

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Berglandmilch: Austria’s Largest Dairy Celebrates 30 Years of Success

On September 10, 1994, Berglandmil



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