Berger-Krotsch/Abrahamczik: Games, fun and learning – expansion of Viennese learning opportunities in summer

2023-04-25 15:18:31

Summer learning opportunities from the City of Vienna also offer summer German courses this year.

Vienna (OTS/SPW-K) “Education and language are the key to integration. With the new “WienerSommerLernen” learning package, two programs are presented that represent the new summer learning package for schoolchildren,” says Nicole Berger-Krutsch, spokeswoman for education for the SPÖ Vienna. In addition to leisure activities such as the “Summer City Camps”, the City of Vienna would now also like to expand the learning opportunities during the summer holidays – and in doing so, in particular, support those children who can benefit from the summer German courses.

Zwtl.: Summer German courses should break down language barriers
The Vienna summer German courses, which are organized and conducted by Interface Vienna in cooperation with the Vienna Education Directorate, are specifically designed for non-compulsory schoolchildren and specifically support them in switching to the regular school system more quickly. Two-week free German courses for elementary school and middle school children will be held at various school locations in the districts in July and August. “In this way, we are once once more counteracting the unequal education system in Austria. The summer German courses help schoolchildren to switch to regular school status as quickly as possible and to continue their education without interruptions and language barriers.”

Zwtl.: Assessing education positively: summer learning stations combine holidays and learning
“Education must have a positive connotation and be given a positive name, because it helps us all. That’s the only way we can get to know new skills and perspectives,” SP municipal councilor Nina Abrahamczik is convinced. She goes into the offer of the summer learning stations, which are implemented by the Viennese adult education centres. These are open to all students who attend elementary school, middle school or AHS lower level and need support in the subjects German, mathematics and English. “Every child in Vienna should have the same chance of a good education, regardless of their parents’ wallets,” says Abrahamczik. The free learning aid from the adult education center as part of the Vienna Summer Learning program offers children the opportunity to prepare well for the next school year during the holidays and relieves parents, especially in times of high inflation. “Here, too, the students have the chance to experience learning as something positive. Because with new teaching staff, they gain new access to the learning content and can thus develop self-confidence and enjoy learning.”

Other reasons that lead to fun while learning are the VHS holiday stations in the Gänsehäufel lido, the Kongressbad and the Laaerbergbad. Again this year, games, fun and learning in the outdoor pool are combined with a focus on language development and mathematics. This offer is open to all young pool visitors. “For us, providing education for everyone also means helping children, regardless of their parents’ income, to discover fun in learning and to celebrate positive school success. And that’s exactly what we should be aiming for!” conclude Berger-Krotsch and Abrahamczik.

Registration from May 2nd and further information is available on the relevant websites:
• Summer German courses for non-degree students at Interface Vienna at
• VHS summer learning stations for VS, MS and AHS lower grades at

Questions & contact:

SPÖ Vienna City Hall Club
Gwendolin Melchart
Press and media work
+43 1 4000 81929

#BergerKrotschAbrahamczik #Games #fun #learning #expansion #Viennese #learning #opportunities #summer



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