From the time he started his family with Carolina Pampita Ardohainto his relationship with Eugenia China Suárez, Benjamin Vicuña has always been seen as a caring and responsible father. However, recently the actor has expressed worries regarding raising his children, especially Magnolia, which led him to differentiate between his other four children.
After raising Bautista, Benicio, Beltrán –children from his relationship with Pampita–, Amancio and Magnolia –his kids with China Suárez–, the Chilean actor was invited to the streaming show Let’s Raise Free to discuss his experience as a father. During the interview, he expressed being overwhelmed with raising his daughter: “I feel more vulnerable regarding my daughter than my son when they go to a friend’s house.”
He then explained his feelings when his daughter has to leave home: “I know it sounds absurd, but I tend to worry more regarding my daughter’s safety. However, boys are just as vulnerable as girls. Last week, for example, I was desperate when Magnolia went out, constantly calling and asking her to return home.”
Vicuña emphasized that he is always striving to be a better father: “Even though we had our parents as examples, we seek advice from friends and gather information. Our parents belonged to a tough generation, but we strive to be more present and active in our children’s lives.”
In a conversation with influencer Mai Pistiner, the actor defined fatherhood as: “Being a dad means trying to understand how to put others before yourself, empathize and grasp the essence of humanity. It’s a challenging task that requires constant effort to be a better parent.”
When asked if setting limits for his children is the toughest challenge he faces, Vicuña acknowledged: “Yes, with all the issues I’ve dealt with, fatherhood has been the most challenging. Each child is different, and as parents, we do our best to understand their world with love, patience, and sometimes frustration.”
Regarding how he establishes boundaries for his children, Magnolia’s father explained: “It’s often said that mothers set the rules while fathers are more lenient. I’ve heard those comments a lot, but when you’re separated, both parents need to set boundaries in their respective households. It’s not regarding imposing rules, but rather regarding finding a balance. For instance, I had to navigate through conflicting advice when a couple of my children wanted to be vegetarians initially due to personal beliefs. It can be a challenging process, but it’s crucial to respect each other’s views and reach agreements within the family unit before interacting with the outside world.
Being a Responsible and Loving Father: Benjamin Vicuña’s Perspective
Benjamin Vicuña, a well-known actor, has always exemplified responsibility and love in his role as a father. From his family with Carolina Pampita Ardohain to his relationship with Eugenia China Suárez, Vicuña has been a constant figure in his children’s lives. Recently, the actor opened up regarding the challenges he faces in raising his children, particularly when it comes to setting limits and ensuring their safety and well-being.
In a candid interview on the streaming program "Let’s Raise Free," Vicuña expressed his feelings of vulnerability when it comes to his daughter, Magnolia. He revealed that he often worries more regarding his daughter than his sons when they go out with friends, highlighting the unique challenges that parents face in raising boys and girls. Despite his concerns, Vicuña acknowledged the importance of treating all children equally and ensuring their protection from potential harm.
As a father of five children, Vicuña admitted that he sometimes struggles with the responsibility of setting limits for his children. He emphasized the need for both parents to be involved in establishing boundaries and guidelines for their children, even following separation. Vicuña shared his personal experience with addressing dietary preferences and beliefs within his family, emphasizing the importance of respect and communication in resolving conflicts and making decisions together.
Reflecting on his role as a father, Vicuña described it as a constant learning process. He emphasized the importance of empathy, understanding, and selflessness in parenting, noting that every child is unique and presents its own set of challenges. Vicuña stressed the need for parents to work together as a team, prioritize the well-being of their children, and strive to be better parents every day.
In conclusion, Benjamin Vicuña’s insights into fatherhood shed light on the complexities and joys of raising children. His honest and thoughtful approach to parenting serves as a reminder that being a father is a continuous journey of growth, understanding, and unconditional love. By prioritizing communication, respect, and collaboration, parents can navigate the challenges of setting limits and fostering a nurturing environment for their children.
Overall, Vicuña’s perspective on fatherhood offers valuable lessons for all parents, emphasizing the importance of being present, compassionate, and supportive in raising the next generation.
By incorporating relevant keywords and providing valuable insights into Benjamin Vicuña’s approach to fatherhood, this article aims to engage readers and offer practical tips for navigating the complexities of parenthood. With a focus on respect, communication, and empathy, Vicuña’s experiences serve as a guide for parents seeking to create a loving and nurturing environment for their children.