Benjamin Mendy: Former Manchester City player ‘ignored all the rules’, club lawyer tells tribunal | Football News

Rags to Riches, or Just Rags? The Curious Case of Benjamin Mendy‘s £11.5 Million Claim

Ah, Benjamin Mendy. A man who seems to have confused “party animal” with “professional footballer.” That’s right, our favorite ex-Manchester City player, who used to ply his trade on the pitch, is now trying to pull some impressive skills in the courtroom. Mendy is claiming he’s owed a whopping £11.5 million in unpaid salary after his club decided his antics were just a tad too high-profile. Who knew that “The Rule of Six” meant “let’s throw a party for 600?”

From £500,000 a Month to Courtroom Drama

Mendy was raking in a hefty £500,000 a month before his escapades led him to a rather unceremonious drop-off—a freefall that would make even a professional parkour artist wince. According to the tribunal, his behavior was nothing short of a one-man show; he thought he could “ignore all the rules.” Really? Someone should’ve told him that life isn’t like FIFA, where you can just hit pause and go party without repercussions. But instead, Mendy’s extravagant partying during lockdown has him now facing off with Manchester City in court. It seems like the referee has blown the whistle on him, and the match is far from over.

The Audience: A Mixed Bag

Enter Sean Jones KC, representing Manchester City, who took a no-holds-barred approach. He claimed that Mendy was living life like it was one big rave, waving the spanner of “moral hazard” around like a goalpost. “Look, buddy,” Jones implied, “your unpaid salary isn’t just a paycheck; it’s a direct consequence of you deciding to have a party every time someone else asked you to keep it down.” In perhaps the best courtroom metaphor of the week, he said Mendy believes he should be able to “behave as irresponsibly as I like.” Apparently, that includes breaking laws, club rules, and pretty much the limits of common sense. Folks, it’s far harder to get out of a sticky situation than to get into one, especially when you’ve got a courtroom audience and a reputation on the line!

High Stakes and Higher Parties

Let’s not forget the timeline of chaos here: September 2020—lockdown is on, and Mr. Mendy is holding soirees at his mansion like he’s the governor of Shire-County. If anyone was dancing on the edge of reason, it was him. The police were knocked on the door before he even had time to say, “Do you want your ‘party crate’ washed down?” It’s one thing to have a few mates over while everyone else is isolating; it’s another to throw a major bash *twice* in less than 48 hours. And if you’re a guy with pending legal issues, maybe think twice before giving the word “party” a whole new meaning!

A Legal Tangle and a Touch of Gusto

Now Mendy’s defense isn’t exactly a stroll in the park either. Nick De Marco KC argued that this whole case “is not about moral culpability.” Sure, a classic courtroom maneuver—it’s all part of the game. But the real kicker? Mendy admits to “partying too much” and rubbing elbows with other high-profile players. That’s right, folks; this isn’t just a football case; it’s a star-studded episode where the price of fame is more than just your dignity. He spent over four months in custody, all while munching on regrets that, frankly, taste a lot worse than your mum’s leftover meatloaf.

The Verdict: To Be Continued…

In January 2023, after a long and winding rollercoaster of trials and tribulations, Mendy was eventually found not guilty of several charges. Talk about game delays—almost as long as a Manchester City victory parade! Now, Judge Joanne Dunlop is set to take a swing at a verdict regarding his financial claims in about four weeks. So, will Mendy walk away with a rich recompense, or will this be another ‘game over’? Only time will tell, but it’s clear one thing remains: “Ignorance of the rules” might just be the biggest penalty of all.

Final Thoughts

As the dust settles on Mendy’s legal antics, one can’t help but shake their head in disbelief. At what point does partying too hard earn you a crash course in consequences? When the referee calls a foul, be prepared for the penalty! No yellow cards, just a cold hard dose of reality. And to all the young people out there, if you’re going to party like a rockstar, make sure your financial advisors are actually *talking* to you—not just partying alongside you!



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