#Benin / Beninese Armed Forces: 5,000 young people to be recruited and trained

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The Council of Ministers of this Wednesday, April 12, 2023 authorized exceptional recruitment and training five thousand (5000) young people to constitute a projection group of the Beninese Armed Forces, for the years 2023 and 2024.

According to the explanations provided« Ce The mission of the projection group will be to carry out security operations intended to preserve the integrity of the national territory, to maintain and sustainably maintain the tranquility of the populations and the attractiveness of the tourist heritage, in particular in the localities of our country where attempted terrorist incursions. After the common basic training, the recruits will be deployed in the structures of the Beninese Armed Forces for additional training at the end of which they will be projected on the theater of intervention. »
#Concours, #Rrecrutement, #ForcesArmees #VisBen, #Wasexo

J-Marc Aurel AGOSSOU

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