#Benin / 1st Activity Report under the 9th Legislature: President VLAVONOU’s details and clarifications on the observations of his colleagues “Les Démocrates”

2023-04-28 05:55:35

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In the assessment, this Thursday, April 27, 2023, of the activity report of the President of the National Assembly for the period from February 12 to April 26, 2023, grievances were raised by the deputies of the parliamentary group “Les Démocrates”.
President Nouréni ATCHADÉ recalled that the president of his party, the Honorable Éric HOUNDÉTÉ was the subject of protocol breaches during the investiture ceremony of the President of Parliament two weeks earlier, on April 13th. He evoked a certain injustice in the management of the missions of the deputies abroad and said not to understand how and why the elected members of his party, find themselves with two in the offices or even without office.

Abundant in the same direction, the deputy Gafari ADÉCHOKAN recalled the context of the resignations of the ministers and mayors elected deputies before deploring the option of the litigation instead of that of the consensus in the management of the election of the members of the offices of the commissions. His colleagues the deputies Koubou OROU and OUASSANGARI made the same development.

Detailed and quantified clarifications from President VLAVONOU

For President VLAVONOU most of the concerns raised by his colleagues “The Democrats” have nothing to do with the content of the document he presented. He nevertheless made it his duty to provide answers.
Regarding the breaches of protocol to which the Honorable Eric HOUNDÉTÉ, President of the “Les Démocrates” party, allegedly suffered during his investiture, President Louis G. VLAVONOU recalled that on this occasion, he was the last personality installed and cannot therefore answer for the position of this or that other personality.

With regard to the missions of deputies outside the country, there are two kinds: statutory missions and non-statutory missions. In response to the President of the parliamentary group “Les Démocrates” on the subject, President VLAVONOU made it clear that for the statutory missions, the 9th Legislature having not yet designated its representatives in the regional and sub-regional parliaments, the mandatary deputies and who are re-elected, are automatically sent to the said missions. The President of the National Assembly pointed out that for non-statutory missions, three deputies from Up-le Renouveau, two from the Republican Bloc and two from the parliamentary group “Les Démocrates” carried out missions. In short, during the above-mentioned period, four (04) deputies of the parliamentary minority carried out non-statutory missions against three (03) for the parliamentary majority.

On the question of offices

Faced with President Nouréni ATCHADÉ’s complaint of seeing the deputies find themselves in twos in the offices, President VLAVONOU, who is in his fifth Legislature, pointed out that this lack of working frameworks for the deputies has always arisen at the Palais des Governors. According to him, the building erected on the 7th Legislature under the instigation of his predecessor, President Adrien HOUNGBÉDJI allowed the vast majority of deputies who were not members of the Conference of Presidents who wandered under the trees of the Governor’s Palace to be spared from finally having an office. And if at 7th et 8th Legislatures which each had 83 deputies, they were already two in the offices, how can it be otherwise at the 9th Legislature where the number of deputies has increased to 109 while the infrastructure has not evolved? wondered President VLAVONOU. And to better convey the reality of this subject to his colleagues, the President of the National Assembly gave the example of Presidents Adrien HOUNGBEDJI and Bruno AMOUSSOU who also, alas, had no offices during the Legislatures during which they had become backbenchers.
For President VLAVONOU, projections were made to see the 9th Legislature start its work in the premises of the new seat of Parliament. But imponderables decided otherwise. Finally, it should be noted that President VLAVONOU, in addressing the problem of the lack of offices, recalled that the President of the Parliamentary Group “Les Démocrates” had already raised this subject, in a more restricted context, at the Conference of Presidents and that the above explanations had been given to him.

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All in all, in view of the concerns raised and the responses provided, it should be noted that the deputies of the parliamentary group “Les Démocrates” voted against President VLAVONOU’s activity report on principle, ideology and political position. All things that seem logical for an opposition.

#Politics, #Rapport_d_Activites, #LouisVlavonou, #VisBen, #AssembleeNationaleduBenin, #Wasexo

J-Marc Aurel AGOSSOU

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#Benin #1st #Activity #Report #9th #Legislature #President #VLAVONOUs #details #clarifications #observations #colleagues #Les #Démocrates

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