benefits of green tea How to drink for good health

Did you know benefitof green tea, the most popular drink That is a favorite of many people around the world. There’s more than you think! Green tea is the process of quickly drying fresh tea leaves. Followed by baking Resulting in dried tea leaves that are still green, fresh and still contain many useful nutrients. Whether it’s amino acids, vitamins, caffeine and many more antioxidants. thus making drinking freshly brewed green tea There are many by-products that are good for health HELLO! I will take you to see the benefits of green tea. Let’s talk regarding how good it is to drink.

Away from stroke and type 2 diabetes
Green tea can help reduce the risk of stroke. And type 2 diabetes by catechin compounds in green tea. will help strengthen Protect the ends of nerve cells. To not deteriorate easily, thus helping to slow down and reduce the risk of dementia. There is caffeine in green tea. that stimulates the functioning of the brain It also helps control blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Help reduce bacteria in the mouth. can deodorize the mouth
Extract derived from green tea. can act in inhibiting the growth of bacteria It can help stop bad breath. and also get rid of bacteria various microorganisms in the oral cavity which is the cause of oral disease Especially caries and plaque that lead to tartar buildup. or gingivitis bleeding while brushing teeth However, they should brush their teeth properly. Always keep clean

Stimulates the metabolic system to work well
May have heard that benefits of green tea that can help you lose weight and stimulate the body’s metabolic system to work better Because catechins are found in green tea. Helps increase energy and fat metabolism, making cholesterol levels And the sugar that will accumulate in the blood vessels is reduced. so friendly For people who are looking to control weight and lose a beautiful body.

helps to relax
Drinking green tea can help relieve stress. anxiety calm down Because L-Theanine and amino acids will help the body relax. In China, it has been used green tea. It’s like a long-standing antidepressant. The caffeine in green tea stimulates the body to feel energetic, clear, stimulates the central nervous system of the body. Helps to refresh and brighten the eyes as well.

Used to heal wounds
benefits of green tea What many people may not think of is that it can be used as a mask to treat various external wounds, such as blisters, inflammation, burns, pus, insect bites. Or rashes, allergic rashes can help relieve It can also be used as a mosquito repellent.

Helps to nourish the skin, reduce acne inflammation on the face.
Polyphenol antioxidant phytochemicals (Polyphenols) in green tea is the heart that reduces the oxidation reaction that causes cells to deteriorate Helps reduce inflammation that occurs in various cells, thus being able to relieve inflammation of acne. and reduce the incidence of new acne Therefore often see various products, choosing to bring green tea Always use it as the main ingredient. In addition, green tea also adds moisture. To bring the skin to the face. can bring green tea brewed from fresh tea leaves which cools then spray your face to refresh Nourish the skin to be radiant.

So how to drink green tea to get the most benefit??

Do not drink too much green tea.
because it will cause more punishment than good Too much of anything is never a good thing. Because of the tannins (Tannin) in that green tea. Can help relieve diarrhea Therefore, if drinking too much green tea, it can result in constipation on the contrary as well. Whether it’s a successful green tea or brewed green tea And it’s also taking in too much caffeine. will make the body easily tired restless Insomnia can occur.

Green tea should be drunk following meals.
If drinking green tea immediately During meals, the tannins and caffeine in green tea can interfere with the nutrient absorption process. Therefore, approximately 1 hour following eating is the appropriate time. In drinking green tea the most, it is also the time before going to bed 2 hours or more. with the time before exercise It will help the body burn fat well.

The temperature of green tea has the same effect.
When the brewed green tea cools down The amount of catechin will decrease accordingly Therefore, it is more beneficial to drink freshly brewed green tea while it is still hot. For people who want to drink green tea for weight loss. The more it is authentic Japanese green tea. It is even more recommended to drink when it’s hot and should choose a brand that looks reliable. The more it is natural green tea that is fresh. It will have more antioxidants as well.

Do not drink green tea mixed with milk. or other embellishments
Adding milk to green tea Whether it’s hot or cold, it will make the benefits of green tea diminish because the protein in milk may interfere with work. of beneficial substances in green tea cause less efficiency As well as mixing green tea in various foods such as desserts, cakes, it will give the smell and taste of green tea. but make value and The benefits of green tea are reduced, so if you want to drink green tea to get the most value, you should drink freshly brewed pure green tea without adding anything else. or if mixed, at least

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