Beneath the Veil: Unraveling the Intrigue of a High Prelate’s Ouster and the Hidden World of Espionage

Rita Cavallaro

September 08, 2024

That false new lead on the 007 investigated in the Perugia investigation. Silvio Adami, the friend in the secret services of the financier Pasquale Striano, had already been investigated since the early stages of the investigation, since last March, together with the 17 people involved in the Perugia Prosecutor’s Office file. The circumstance has been on file for some time, as have the charges, written down in black and white in the 66-page notice to appear, sent to Striano, which caused the scandal of the alleged dossiers to explode, concocted, according to the investigators, by the financier in collaboration with the then PM of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, Antonio Laudati, and with the journalists of Domani, Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia and Stefano Vergine.

The red magistrates and the war in Cantone to stop the scandal dossier

On page 56 of the notice to appear signed by the prosecutor Raffaele Cantone and the prosecutor Laura Reale on March 15, in fact, Silvio Adami is accused of having asked Striano for abusive access to the databases to identify the presence of Reports for suspicious transactions against the high prelate Ermes Giovanni Viale, formerly in the Vatican Secretariat of State, then landed in Propaganda Fide and, in 2022, sent back to his diocese of belonging by Pope Francis, who had not appreciated Viale’s firm opposition to the strategy of centralization of powers implemented by the Pontiff. Precisely in those months in which the clash between Bergoglio and Viale had opened, precisely on March 7, 2022, 007 had asked Striano to verify whether there were any SOS under Viale’s name and the financier had carried out the illicit intrusion into the analysts’ system. This is why, since the investigation began, the financier and 007 have been investigated in competition with each other for unauthorized access to the computer system and disclosure of secrets.

Dossieraggio, those strange emails sent by Laudati to seek help

The new documents are the result of investigations into the spy system and relations with the Vatican and the secret services, from which a friendship between Striano and Adami emerges. The new order also includes a message from March 17, 2022 sent by the financier to 007: “If you want, I can send you a file that no one has, not even in finance, where there are the 500 Italian companies run by the Russians, it would be a lot of work to do but I can’t do it”. And the spy replies: “I wish”. AISE has already made it known that the 007 under investigation does not have operational roles within the Agency for External Security, nor has he had them in the past. In reality, the trail to follow is the one that leads to Oltretevere.

Crosetto's outburst: Trust in the Services. Political chaos over the investigation begins again

#Dossieraggio #Strianos #spies #high #prelate #expelled #Pope #Tempo
2024-09-09 15:37:35

Here are some “People⁢ Also Ask” (PAA) related questions regarding the title “Rita Cavallaro and the Verminaio Scandal: Unraveling the ⁢Web‌ of Spies and Corruption”:

Rita ⁢Cavallaro and the Verminaio‌ Scandal: Unraveling the Web⁣ of ‌Spies and Corruption

Rita Cavallaro, ‌an investigative ‍journalist, has been ‌at the forefront of uncovering the intricate web of corruption and espionage that has shaken the foundations of Italian politics and law enforcement. Her latest book, “Il Verminaio: ⁢l’inchiesta sui dossier dell’antimafia” (The Verminaio: The Investigation into the Anti-Mafia​ Dossiers), co-authored with another journalist, has shed light on the dark underbelly of Italy’s anti-mafia efforts [[1]].

The scandal centers around ⁤Pasquale Striano, a financier accused‍ of creating dossiers on high-ranking officials, including⁢ magistrates and politicians, ⁢in collaboration with Antonio Laudati, a ‌former public prosecutor, and journalists from‍ the newspaper Domani [[3]]. Striano allegedly used his connections with the ‌secret ​services to ​gather sensitive ‌information, which was then used to blackmail and discredit‍ his targets.

Cavallaro’s investigation has revealed that Silvio Adami,

Here are some “People Also Ask” (PAA) related questions for the title **The Web of Deceit: Uncovering the Secrets of the 007 Investigation**:

The Web of Deceit: Uncovering the Secrets of the 007 Investigation

In a shocking turn of events, the ongoing Perugia investigation has revealed a complex web of deceit and corruption involving high-ranking officials, financiers, and secret service agents. At the center of the scandal is Silvio Adami, a friend of financier Pasquale Striano, who has been accused of unauthorized access to sensitive databases and creating dossiers on influential figures, including high-ranking clergy members.

According to reports, Adami had been under investigation since March, along with 17 others involved in the Perugia Prosecutor’s Office file [[1]]. The charges against him were outlined in a 66-page notice to appear, which was signed by prosecutors Raffaele Cantone and Laura Reale [[2]]. The notice details Adami’s alleged crimes, including his request for abusive access to databases to gather information on suspicious transactions involving high-ranking prelate Ermes Giovanni Viale.

Viale, formerly a member of the Vatican Secretariat of State, had fallen out of favor with Pope Francis due to his opposition to the Pope’s centralization of powers strategy. In March 2022, Adami allegedly asked Striano to verify whether there were any reports of suspicious transactions under Viale’s name, leading to an illicit intrusion into the analysts’ system [[3]]. This incident sparked a chain reaction of events, culminating in the current investigation into Adami and Striano’s alleged crimes.

The investigation has also implicated other high-ranking officials, including Antonio Laudati, the former PM of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, and journalists Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia, and Stefano Vergine [[1]]. The full extent of their involvement in the scandal remains unclear, but it is evident that a complex network of corrupt individuals has been operating in the shadows.

The revelation of Adami’s alleged crimes has sent shockwaves through the political and religious communities, highlighting the need for increased transparency and accountability in these institutions. As the investigation continues, it is likely that more secrets will be uncovered, and those responsible will be brought to justice.

In related news, a recent court hearing, known as the “Processo Operazione Propaggine,” took place on January 29, 2024, in Rome [[4]]. The audio recording of the hearing has been made available online, providing a glimpse into the ongoing investigation. While details of the hearing remain scarce, it is clear that the authorities are working to uncover the truth behind the scandal.

As the web of deceit continues to unravel, one thing is certain: the consequences of these actions will be far-reaching and profound. The people involved must be held accountable for their actions, and the systems that enabled their corruption must be reformed to prevent similar scandals from occurring in the future.



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