Beneath the Surface: Israel Prepares Response to Iran’s Rising Aggression

At the same time, several explosions were heard in southern Beirut after calls by the Israeli army to evacuate certain buildings.

The Israeli army launched a new barrage of shelling shortly before midnight. He had earlier called on the residents of certain buildings in the southern suburbs of Beirut to evacuate them immediately, according to a post on the social networking platform X.

A little earlier Colonel Avichay Adraee, the IDF’s Arabic-speaking spokesman, releases maps along with the announcement. For your safety and the safety of your family members, you should immediately evacuate the designated buildings and those adjacent to them and stay away from them for a distance of not less than 500 meters, the statement said.

“We have a duty to respond,” Netanyahu said in a speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his new speech emphasized that he has an obligation to respond to Iran and will do so. “Iran is behind all the threats and attacks against us. They fired hundreds of missiles at us in one of the largest attacks in history. No country in the world would accept such an attack, not even Israel. Israel has the duty and the right to defend itself and respond to such attacks – and we will do so,” he said.

Netanyahu said Israel is waging a war on many fronts against groups backed by archenemy Iran. “Is Iran imposing an arms embargo on Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas and their other proxies? Of course not,” he said. All three groups are backed by Tehran and are part of its “axis of resistance” against Israel. “This axis of terror is united. But the countries that supposedly oppose this terrorist axis are calling for an arms embargo on Israel. What a shame!”

Netanyahu said Israel would win even without their support. “But their shame will continue long after the war is won,” he said. “Rest assured, Israel will fight until the battle is won – for our sake and for the sake of peace and security in the world.”

Netanyahu also said the Israeli military succeeded in destroying much of Hezbollah’s arsenal and turned the tide of war against the Iran-backed group. “We have destroyed a large part of the missile and rocket array that Hezbollah has built over the years,” Netanyahu said in a televised address, adding: “We have changed the course of the war and the balance of the war.”

Iran closes airspace to commercial flights

Meanwhile, Iran’s Civil Aviation Authority has issued a NOTAM according to which certain areas of the country’s western airspace will be closed to commercial flights every night, from 20:00 to 04:31, due to a “Military Exercise”.

Israel: The country is on high alert ahead of the October 7 anniversary

Israel’s military said today that its forces have been put on high alert ahead of the anniversary of Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, stressing that militants are seeking to carry out attacks in the country.

“This week we will commemorate the anniversary of the war and October 7th. We are ready to increase our forces ahead of this day,” military spokesman Daniel Haggari said during a televised news conference, without further elaborating.

Herzog: Iran remains a permanent threat to the country

Israeli President Isaac Herzog said today in a message broadcast on the anniversary of the unprecedented October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel that shocked the country that the wounds “have not yet fully healed.”

“Our wounds cannot yet be fully healed … because hostages continue to be tortured, executed and die in captivity,” he stressed, according to a statement.

Of the 251 people abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip on October 7, 97 are still being held hostage, of whom 33 are dead, according to an army statement.

Israel’s president also said Iran and its “proxies” pose a “permanent threat” to his country, ahead of commemorations for the Palestinian Islamist movement’s October 7 attack on Israeli soil.

In a message to Jewish communities around the world, Herzog denounced “the permanent threat posed to the (Israeli) state by Iran and its terrorist proxies, who are blinded by hatred and determined to destroy our unique Jewish nation – state”, is stated in a statement issued by the presidency.

Iran: “Our response is strong”

“You can test our will,” underlined Iran’s Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi, speaking from Tehran, returning from a tour he made in the past two days in Lebanon and Syria.

Abbas Aragchi said that probably the attack – Israel’s response may be a matter of hours.

“Our response to any Israeli attack will be stronger and more severe and they may test our will. My visit to Beirut and Damascus conveys a message – Iran will always stand by the resistance,” said the Iranian Foreign Minister.

In addition, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned on Friday that the Islamic Republic’s allies, particularly Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas, will continue the fight against Israel, heightening concerns that a Middle East flare-up is imminent. , two days before the anniversary of Hamas’ unprecedented incursion into southern Israeli territory.

The moment when the Iranians give the order to launch 200 missiles towards Israel

Hours before Israel’s response to Iran, Tehran’s networks broadcast video from last Tuesday and the interior of the room from which the Revolutionary Guards monitored the operation.

The head of the Revolutionary Guards, General Hossein Salami gives the order for the launch of 200 ballistic missiles from Iran towards Israel last Tuesday.

The recently released video shows the commanding staff of the Revolutionary Guards praying and praising God for each of the 200 launches.

At the end of this video, the head of the Revolutionary Guards appears to inform the President of Iran by phone about the success of the operation.

Watch the video

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