Ben ten Boden Leads FC Utrecht to Third Place

We prepared ourselves to watch the match against FC Twente in the coolest way possible. It was all pointless on the City Side. We sat in the sun for seventy minutes. The 20,000 spectators, I think, have never been so warm in the stadium.

FC Twente, not the least opponent. Have been in the top for years and are even allowed to go to Manchester to make it difficult for Erik Ten Hag. For FC Utrecht it has been a while since Europe welcomed us.

FC Utrecht had a great result from three matches. Some luck and the game was not what it should have been. I suggested earlier that a place on the bench for Iqbal and Min would not hurt. Their replacements: Ohio and Bozdogan. Jans apparently also reads my columns. At the start against Twente, both were allowed to make an appearance. A good move by Jans. It benefited the entire team. Just like the fans in the stands. The red/white wall on the Bunnik – Side went wild. There was Sam Lammers who made it 0 – 1 with a great goal. Not long after that Jens Toornstra with the 1 -1. It was an excellent first half.

In the second half FC Utrecht continued to play with passion and fight, and to engage in duels. The result was soon there. Bozdogan with the 2-1. Although fast, it took minutes to declare the goal valid via the VAR. Just before time Fraulo came with an unmissable chance. Unfortunately this went wrong. The extra time of eleven minutes did not change the final score. Bozdogan was honest after the match. The ball touched his arm. FC Utrecht 10 out of 4! That was completely different last season. The negative sentiment was at its peak. The stress as well. 0 out of 4!

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Next Sunday the cracker of FC Utrecht against FC Utrecht. The duel with Mark van der Maarel in the leading role. Striking and respectful that Ten Hag is also present. It will be a nice happening. The week after, Ajax away. I dare to bet my money that FC Utrecht will get a good result there. This based on the game and commitment shown against Twente. Of course again with Ohio and Bozdogan. Ticket sales for FC Utrecht fans have already started. For 28 euros the bus trip and entrance ticket. So I think it will be a full house.

Finally, a point of attention for Jordy Zuidam. After the match, there were 2 children on the field at Bunnik – Side. I suspect the children of Barkas. Both knew how to find the net at a very young age. Supported by thousands at Bunnik – Side. I would keep an eye on them in the coming years Jordy. A nice end to a very warm but exceptionally entertaining match. It tastes like more. We will know more on September 15. FC Utrecht in 2nd place?

Ben ten Boden



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