Ben Gabir explodes at Yoav Galant: “The Minister of Defense bows down to Hamas”

Ben Gabir explodes at Yoav Galant: “The Minister of Defense bows down to Hamas”

About two weeks after causing a public uproar when he ascended the Temple Mount during the Tisha B’Av fast, the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gabirprovided another statement today (Monday) on the sensitive issue.

During an interview that took place this morning at GLC, Minister Ben Gabir referred to the Israeli policy on the Mount: “The policy allows praying on the Temple Mount, there is equal law between Jews and Muslims – I would build a synagogue there.”

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In response to the words of Ben Gvir, the Minister of the Interior Moshe Arbel Valid: “Prime Minister Netanyahu must act immediately to put Mr. Ben Gabir in his place in his words this morning regarding the Temple Mount.”

He also added, “His irresponsible words are putting to the test Israel’s strategic alliances with Muslim countries that constitute a coalition in the fight against the Iranian axis of evil. His lack of wisdom may cost blood.”

Those around Minister Ben Gabir commented: “The tireless left-wing flatterer Moshe Arbel, who was called by Ben Caspit and the extreme left, has been disaffected from the day he entered the Knesset to the position of Chief Justice. He is a tireless flatterer, to the left, to the Arabs, to the judicial system, and in the case of the Temple Mount, to Hamas and the Waqf. His constant accusation against Jews creates a security risk. Shas voters chose the right and accepted Moshe Meretz Arbel.

The Prime Minister’s Office stated briefly: “There is no change in the status quo on the Temple Mount.”

Ben Gvir goes up to the Temple Mount (Photo: Haim Goldberg, Flash 90)

Minister Ben Gabir’s controversial statement drew strong reactions against him from within the political system. Minister of Defense Yoav Galant He tweeted: “Challenging the status quo on the Temple Mount is a dangerous, unnecessary and irresponsible act. Ben Gabir’s actions endanger the national security of the State of Israel and its international standing. The action carried out by the IDF yesterday to curb the Hezbollah attack strengthened the State of Israel, Ben Gabir’s statements – They weaken us.”

Minister of Education Yoav Kish He wrote: “Any change in the status quo on the Temple Mount, with an emphasis on wartime, should be carried out professionally in the cabinet along with an examination of all the meanings and consequences. Minister Ben Gabir’s irresponsible statement in the media on this issue is unnecessary and stupid populist.”

Chairman of the state camp Benny Gantz: “No one has any expectations from Minister Ben Gabir, not even from the Prime Minister who lets his irresponsible leader take us to the abyss in exchange for political peace. But there are also responsible parties in this government and in the coalition, that the people expect you to take action. Condemnations and nice words will not be enough here, and history will judge you For being part of this dangerous journey.”

Chairman of the Democrats Yair Golan He responded: “So that no one is confused, the provocations of the criminal Ben Gabir, which endanger the security of the state, are the responsibility and fault of the Israeli security negotiator who appointed him.”

Member of the Knesset Matan Kahana: “Minister Ben Gabir behaves like an anarchist whose only wish is to dismantle the state’s institutions. His behavior conveys contempt for every framework and every state value. First and foremost and above all, he despises the Prime Minister. We must have elections as soon as possible.”

Minister of Defense Yoav Galant He tweeted: “Challenging the status quo on the Temple Mount is a dangerous, unnecessary and irresponsible act. Ben Gabir’s actions endanger the national security of the State of Israel and its international standing. The action carried out by the IDF yesterday to curb the Hezbollah attack strengthened the State of Israel, Ben Gabir’s statements – They weaken us.”

Minister Ben Gabir responded to Galant’s tweet and wrote: “Defense Minister Yoav Galant is bowing down to Hamas and dragging the State of Israel into a promiscuous deal. Galant chooses to continue the destructive policy of the defeatist conception even against Hezbollah in the north. Israel must not be content with a single pre-emptive sortie, we must bring a decisive war against Hezbollah That will remove the threat in the north and allow the residents to return home safely.”

Hi-Tech Forum for Israel in a letter to the Prime Minister and the Ombudsman: “The continuation of the tenure of Minister Ben Gabir, who conducts himself with wanton irresponsibility against government institutions, while using public funds, undermines the confidence of the markets in the Israeli economy, which is already being undermined as reflected in the three downgrades of the credit rating and will cause the continuation The decline in foreign investment in Israel and the risk to the Israeli high-tech industry, the engine of the Israeli economy.”



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