bemused! Prairie got into a difficult situation and hit her face for the first time after leaving the entertainment industry.

2023-12-25 06:51:03
Decided to turn my back on the entertainment industry for Prairie Paiwan Because he had the intention of going back to doing a small business. Live at home in another province stay with family Taking care of a sick mother And another real intention is to grow hair.

Until the beginning of this month Prairie decided to get into the hair transplant problem for the first time. Start growing hair from noon. Got out of the operating room at 1:00 a.m. He said it was a difficult case but it went well. Until now it’s starting to fall into place.

and latestPrairie then decided to undergo major plastic surgery on her entire nose. and chin together Everything is fine. Thank you very much to Dr. Chamroon for the new nose and chin.’ Let’s wait and see how beautiful she will be following removing the bandage.

#bemused #Prairie #difficult #situation #hit #face #time #leaving #entertainment #industry

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