Belgium’s Life Expectancy and Trends: Insights on Elderly Population and Society

2023-07-06 12:43:00

Life expectancy at birth for the total population was 81.7 years in Belgium last year, the Belgian statistics office, Statbel, said on Thursday.

Compared to 2021, it has remained rather stable since it has increased by 13 days (+0.4 years), calculated the public body.

That of women is 83.8 years and that of men 79.5 years, but the difference tends to narrow since it has decreased by 92 days (-0.25 years) for women while it has increased by 111 days (+0.3 years) for men, according to the findings of Statbel.

The latter also notes a drop in the “difference in life expectancy between men and women” over the years: “In 2022, the gap was 4.2 years. In 1997, this figure was still 6.4 years”. That of 2022 “is the weakest” ever recorded.

Compared to 2021, it also observed more deaths in 2022: “The increase is especially visible among women (+7.1%) and people aged over 85 (+9.8%).”

According to the analysis of excess mortality carried out by the institute in charge of public health in Belgium, Sciensano, the year 2022 was marked by “five epidemic waves of Covid-19, a very hot summer and two beginnings of an epidemic flu”.

With 82.6 years, life expectancy at birth in the Flemish Region remains the highest in the country, while it is 81.6 years in the Brussels-Capital Region and 80 years in the Walloon Region, -he.

Compared to the previous year, the statistical office notes that it is stagnating in the north of the country (-23 days, or -0.06 years) while it is on the rise in the other two parts of the territory: +53 days (+0.14 years) in Wallonia and above all +112 days (+0.3) in the capital.

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