2023-12-25 07:27:00
The weather will remain very cloudy to overcast on December 25, with periods of light to moderate rain. The maximum temperatures will reach 7°C in the Ardennes heights and 12 degrees in the west of the country. The wind will be moderate to fairly strong from the southwest with gusts of 60 km/h inland and 65 km/h at sea, forecasts the IRM in its latest weather forecast.
This Monday evening, the sky will remain very cloudy to overcast, but it will be temporarily drier. During the night, however, a new disturbance will pass through the country. The minimums will be between 6 and 10°C. The southwest to west wind will remain moderate to fairly strong with gusts of 60 to 65 km/h.
Similar weather, wet and windy but quite mild for the season, is also expected for the coming days.
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