Belgians fill gas cans in France: it is now prohibited

Many Belgians have taken to crossing the border to fill up in France, where fuel is cheaper. Some even go further and fill jerry cans. This practice is now prohibited in our neighbors.

French law enforcement will be responsible for carrying out checks and issuing fines to offenders. Only valid explanations will be accepted to justify the filling of a container, for example a broken down vehicle. Explaining that you are coming to make reservations because of the high prices in Belgium will not be accepted.

The decision was taken by the prefects of Nord and Hauts-de-France. 30% service stations on their territory encounter supply difficulties on at least one fuel. These are territories that border Belgium.

At the origin of this shortage: the French government has decided to reduce the price of fuel by 30 centimes per litre. The situation is further worsened by the strike movement affecting the oil company TotalEnergies.

The queues at service stations that our team observed this Wednesday in Jeumont are therefore not likely to be reduced any time soon.

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