Belgian Public Opinion on Regularization, Climate Policies, and Tax Justice: 2023 Barometer Findings

2023-11-10 11:34:00

Nearly two thirds (58%) of Belgians say they are in favor of the regularization of undocumented immigrants who have resided for at least 5 years in the Flat Country, according to the barometer of international solidarity of the CNCD-11.11.11, carried out in collaboration with Le Vif. A trend already observed last year, when 54% of Belgians supported such a measure, compared to only 31% in 2021.

According to the NGO behind the barometer, such an increase can be explained by “the reversal of Flemish opinion”. A little more than half of Flemish people (54%) show their support for such regularization, compared to 23% two years ago. On the other hand, 63% of respondents approve of the idea of ​​processing asylum procedures in countries of emigration and transit without allowing prior access to European soil, compared to 56% in 2021 and 2022.

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On the environmental front, around three-quarters (74%) of those surveyed said they were in favor of policies aimed at “investing in renewable energies (solar, wind, hydraulic) and moving away from fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas)”, while barely 9% of those surveyed are opposed to it. These results, on this aspect, are homogeneous regardless of the age or region of the respondents, notes the CNCD-11.11.11, which describes the support of Belgians for policies to combat climate change as “massive”.

However, if the results of the barometer confirm significant support for such policies, this is not the case in terms of protecting biodiversity, points out the NGO. According to the barometer, carried out between October 2 and 10 among 1,505 Belgians, it appears that 44% of respondents support the idea of ​​an environmental pause, while only 20% are opposed to it. A result all the more “challenging” as this idea of ​​a break “agitated the European political class last spring, even causing a small crisis within the Vivaldi coalition”, analyzes the CNCD.

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Finally, in terms of taxation, the 2023 barometer confirms the trend expressed in previous editions: Belgians favor tax justice and the fight against tax havens. Around 80% of them want to toughen measures aimed at abolishing tax havens and 74% support the establishment of a global minimum tax rate on corporate profits.

undocumented asylum migration

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