Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo’s New Year Message and Resolutions for 2024

2023-12-29 10:00:00

The year 2023 is coming to an end and an important year at the political level is coming in 2024. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo thus extended his good wishes a few days before the New Year.

Here is his message:

Over the past year

This year has been a year of tension and conflict, far from home, but also closer to home. Many of us ask ourselves questions for the future and I ask myself these questions too.

Rue de la Loi, we have sometimes been too obsessed with our own concerns. In doing so, politics has become disconnected from real expectations and this must be a lesson for us all.

Because, despite what is sometimes said, our country is performing well, our economy is performing well, the figures from the National Bank confirm this. Our growth is solid while in neighboring countries, it is almost absent. Since the start of this government, nearly 300,000 jobs have been created in Belgium and we are among the leaders in Europe in terms of innovation. We can be proud of it, without resting on our laurels.

What should motivate us is to see even more Belgians helping to keep our country running. My resolutions for the new year are clear: continue to grow our economy, help more Belgians find jobs and make our middle class even stronger and we can do even better if we work together, hand in hand.

On the climate challenge

This is my message to all the governments of this country: spending months going in circles, ultimately trying to divide our country will lead to nothing, it will not improve anyone’s daily life.

I have confidence in our country and in what we are capable of accomplishing, even if the challenges we face are enormous. The fight once morest global warming is the first example and it goes hand in hand with the challenge of making our economy greener and more innovative.

We will therefore take advantage of our presidency of the European Union to pursue a strong industrial policy. Our businesses are sometimes drowned in an ocean of administrative rules, we will have to remedy this, but we can do it!

On the cost of living

Look at what we have been able to achieve in terms of energy, following years of hesitation and postponement and look at how we have protected purchasing power thanks to the automatic indexation of salaries and targeted aid; the purchasing power of Belgians has increased by three percent.

You were worried regarding the prices at the checkout, we must have that in mind, respond to this constant challenge and we must recognize it, we still have work to do in terms of budget.

This is long-term work, with which we are moving forward step by step. Yes, we have provided a lot of aid to the population and our businesses during the energy and coronavirus crises. Protecting Belgians through crises has had a cost, a cost that we have chosen to pay so that our country can continue to move forward.

2024 will be an important year, with many young people voting for the first time and participating in tomorrow’s decisions.

On the coming year

My message to our young people is honest. Some will tell you that everything is going wrong, that there is no more hope, even no future for our country, that everything must be demolished: I do not agree with them, even if it may seem once morest a current.

Moving this country forward takes time and it’s not always easy, I experience it every day, but it’s the only way. The equation is simple: it is choosing between cooperation and inaction. A divided country will never be a strong country and to be able to make this country better, you have to love it.

I wish you the best for the new year! With all my heart, and a magnificent end of the year!

Happy Holidays.

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