2024-03-03 19:24:10
We are already less than 100 days away from the next regional, federal and European elections. Over the last 6 weeks, the 6 presidents of the main French-speaking parties have been received on our set facing Puncheurs, Martin Buxant and Christophe Deborsu. But what do the Belgians think of these 6 presidents?
The elections are fast approaching: there are less than 100 days left before Belgians go to the polls for the regional, federal and European elections. Over the past 6 weeks, the 6 presidents of the main French-speaking parties, Paul Magnette (PS), Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR), Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés), François De Smet (DéFI), Raoul Hedebouw (PTB) and Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo), had to face our Puncheurs, Martin Buxant and Christophe Deborsu.
But what do the Belgians think of these 6 presidents? Here are the results of our exclusive survey.
Who would make a good Prime Minister?
What if it was Paul Magnette (PS) our next Prime Minister? For 30% of Walloons and Brussels residents, the socialist candidate would take on this role. He is also the best known. Next comes Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés) who is rather popular to become our Prime Minister with 19%. He also arrives tied with Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR), also at 19%.
14% of respondents think that Raoul Hedebouw (PTB), the 5th best-known Belgian president, “would make a good Prime Minister”. For Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo), for his part, it is 10% of Walloons and Brussels residents who think he would make a good Prime Minister. And finally, François De Smet (DéFI), the least well-known French-speaking president of those surveyed, with 9%.
Who keeps their promises the most?
But our survey also looked at the credibility of party presidents: do they keep their promises? Once once more, it is the socialist candidate Paul Magnette who stands out with 27% of Brussels and Walloon residents who think that he is a man of his word. He is the only party president who obtains a score above 20%.
Raoul Hedebouw (PTB) and Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) are tied: only 19% of respondents think they keep their promises. Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés) is just below with 18% of Walloons and Brussels residents who believe that he keeps his word.
And finally, 15% of respondents think that Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo) keeps his promises. While only 11% think that François de Smet (DéFI) keeps his commitments.
Who is only in power for their own personal interest?
42% of respondents think that the MR candidate, Georgez-Louis Bouchez, wants power for his personal interest. He is the only party president to obtain such a high score. Just behind him, we find Paul Magnette with 28%. Still above the 20% mark, we find Jean-Marc Nollet with 24%.
For Raoul Hedebouw, 19% of Brussels and Walloon residents think that he wants to gain power for his personal interest. Just below, Maxime Prévot with 18%. And finally, François De Smet, with 11%.
Who do you think is dangerous for democracy?
On the other hand, for 28% of those surveyed, Raoul Hedebouw is “dangerous for democracy”. Just behind him, we find the candidate MR with 26%. These are the two party presidents who obtained a score above the 20% mark.
We then find Jean-Marc Nollet with 16% of respondents. While 15% of Walloons and Brussels residents think that Paul Magnette is “dangerous for democracy”.
Next comes Maxime Prévot with 8%, and finally, François De Smet, with 4%.
Who offers credible solutions to current problems?
For this category, it is once once more Paul Magnette who stands out with 31% of Brussels and Walloon residents who think that the socialist candidate “proposes credible solutions to current problems”. 28% think that Maxime Prévot offers good solutions, while 26% of respondents believe that it is Georges-Louis Bouchez.
Raoul Hedebouw gets 21%. While 17% think that Jean-Marc Nollet “proposes credible solutions to current problems”. And only 13% for François De Smet.
All the figures discussed in this article come from the RTLinfo, Ipsos, Les Puncheurs survey, carried out online from January 8 to 15, 2024 with 1,000 respondents in Wallonia and Brussels. The maximum margin of error is +-3.1%.
To see or rewatch the 6 party presidents facing the Puncheurs, go to RTLplay.
Party presidents facing the Puncheurs Decryption RTL political news elections
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