Belgian Man’s Tragic Tale and False Attack Claim: The Shocking Truth Revealed

2023-08-25 18:00:00

Last week, we shared with you the tragic story of Mike. The 50-year-old Belgian from Thames lovingly cared for his daughter Ciana with her partner Gunther. Suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, the child died in her sleep earlier this month and was buried in Temse cemetery next to Ronny, Mike’s first husband.

Last Tuesday, around 3 p.m., Mike visited his daughter’s grave, as he has every day since her death. It was then that he explained that he had been attacked. “Young people ambushed me. They were at most 15 or 16 years old. They came out of nowhere and wanted money, ”said the bereaved dad to our colleagues from the Nieuwsblad.

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“I told them I had nothing in my pocket except my car keys. Alright, give them then, they replied,” he added. “One of them even brandished a pistol. He showed it to my face and, by reflex, I pushed him away with a slap. I don’t think it was a real gun, but I’m not sure. The police also told me afterwards that it was impossible to distinguish a real weapon from a fake. »

A story shared on social networks, in the press and to the police. A police who quickly opened an investigation into the facts in question. Except that this Friday… “After an in-depth investigation, we did not find any element corresponding to his story”, explains to the Nieuwsblad Steven Verkimpe, local police commissioner of Kruibeke / Temse. Subjected to a new interrogation, and confronted with his contradictions, Mike finally confessed to having invented his attack.

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According to information from our colleagues, he would have invented this story because he was indeed the victim of a theft, but not in the cemetery of Thames. An investigation is still underway to shed light on this matter.

#grave #daughter #died #weeks #earlier #Mike #beaten #cemetery #except.. #investigation..

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