Belgian households could soon save up to 400 euros on their gas bill

Households might save between 300 and 400 euros on their gas bill, noted the federal energy regulator (Creg) on ​​Wednesday. In May, the Creg noted, for the first time, a price difference on natural gas contracts depending on whether they depend on ZTP or TTF quotations. TTFs are linked to the Dutch short-term market, while ZTPs are linked to the Zeebrugge hub. These prices are usually the same, but last month those linked to ZTP quotes were around 20 euros per megawatt-hour cheaper than the others. The difference is explained by the diversification of gas supply sources in Belgium, via gas pipelines but also the LNG terminal.

If the price difference is maintained over the rest of the year, this might represent for an average household a difference of 300 to 400 euros per year in favor of products listed on ZTP, according to the Creg. “The coming months will show whether the gap is confirmed or widened and translates into lower commodity prices linked to ZTP for the consumer, so the end of summer seems like a good time to consider a possible change.”



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