Belarusian Authorities Call for Immediate Measures Against Experienced Migrants as Border Patrols Take Action

On Monday, the officers of the Puškai border checkpoint of the VSAT Vilnius border team recorded how 14 persons illegally tried to enter Lithuania from Belarus after breaking through the physical barrier, i.e. a protective fence and a concertina, in the Ignalina district.

The officers of the Puška checkpoint, who quickly arrived at the scene, arrested the intruders right next to the border. It turned out that there were 12 men and 2 women.

VIDEO: Border guards video: migrants were entering Lithuania, they needed medical help

As usual since the start of the migration crisis in 2021. in the summer, and in this case too, the border guards carefully assessed the health condition of the detainees. In case of the slightest doubt, an ambulance is always called.

This time, 5 foreigners spoke about their health complaints. Both they and other migrants complained to the Lithuanian border guards about the brutal behavior of Belarusian officials and said that they had beaten and terrorized them. Especially the legs were hit, which were indeed beaten for several migrants. One foreigner said that he was doused with water by Belarusians, and then they used an electric shock in his groin.

VSAT officials immediately called an ambulance. The border guards put the 5 migrants in their official transport and rushed to meet the medics. Soon, the foreigners were transferred to an ambulance and taken to Visaginas hospital.

After medical examinations and tests, both women were released on Monday. One of them had the documents of a Senegalese citizen, the other introduced herself as a Yemeni citizen, but had no documents.

On Tuesday, an undocumented person who identified himself as a Somali citizen and was diagnosed with sprained leg ligaments was still in the hospital. A man who presented himself as an undocumented Syrian citizen also remained in the treatment facility, and the doctors diagnosed him with frostbite.

These patients are protected in the hospital by the border guards of the Puška checkpoint.

A man with bruised legs was released from the hospital around noon on Tuesday, who had spent the night here and presented his Iraqi citizenship documents.

On Monday, in relation to the remaining 11 illegal migrants, the VSAT officers carried out the usual actions in such cases. These were 9 men who did not complain about their well-being after the arrest, and the two women who were not diagnosed with more serious health problems in the hospital. Some of this eleven had documents, some did not.

Puška border guards assessed the foreigners’ clothes and footwear to see if they correspond to the season of the year. The VSAT units have enough of such supplies and can easily change and re-dress detained migrants. Two of them were given warm boots by the border guards because the foreigners’ footwear did not match the time of year. Others did not need to change their shoes or clothes.

Border guards also handed over humanitarian packages to all migrants with food and other items intended for spending time in outdoor conditions.

After making sure that the 11 migrants do not pose any threats, it was decided not to let them into Lithuania in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts. The immigrants were turned back to Belarus on Monday.

From 2021 on August 3, when VSAT officials were given the right to prevent migrants from Belarus illegally trying to cross the border, 21,430 of them did not enter Lithuania. This year, VSAT officials did not allow 2,113 such migrants to enter Lithuania from Belarus.

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#Border #guards #called #swift #brutality #Belarusian #officials #experienced #migrants
2024-09-12 04:21:42

Immigration and ‍border security issues

Title: Lithuania’s ‌Border Crisis: Understanding ⁢the Migration Crisis and Border Patrol Efforts


Lithuania, a small country in the Baltic region, ‌has ​been grappling with a migration crisis since⁣ the summer⁤ of 2021. The country has witnessed a surge in illegal migrants attempting to⁣ cross the border from Belarus, leading to increased security concerns ⁤and humanitarian challenges. In this article, we will delve ⁢into​ the issue of‍ migration crisis in Lithuania, its​ border patrol​ efforts, and the measures taken ⁤to address the situation.

The Migration Crisis:

In the summer ​of 2021, Lithuania experienced a significant influx of migrants attempting to⁣ cross the border from Belarus [[1]]. The situation escalated, and the country saw a large number of migrants arriving at its border. To address the crisis, ⁤Lithuania​ has taken various measures, including‍ boosting border‍ cooperation⁣ with neighboring countries like Latvia [[1]].

Border Patrol Efforts:

To prevent the flow of illegal migrants, Lithuania has completed the⁢ construction of a steel wall along⁢ the border with Belarus [[2]]. ⁣The⁢ country’s border guards have been working tirelessly⁢ to apprehend and process migrants attempting to cross the border illegally. In addition to arrests, the border ⁢guards also provide humanitarian assistance,⁤ including medical​ care and food, to those in need.

Health Concerns:

Migrants attempting to cross the border often face health risks, and the ⁢Lithuanian border guards take steps to ensure their well-being. Medical examinations are‌ conducted, and those requiring ‍medical attention are transferred to hospitals for treatment. Additionally, ⁤the border guards provide humanitarian packages, including food and clothing,‌ to detained migrants.

Prevention of Illegal Migration:

Since August ⁢3, 2021,⁤ Lithuania’s⁣ border guards have been empowered to ⁢prevent migrants from⁤ Belarus from illegally‌ crossing the⁣ border.‍ As a result, a significant number of migrants (21,430) have been prevented from ​entering the country [[3]].‌ This​ year ​alone, 2,113 migrants have been turned back to Belarus.


Lithuania’s migration⁤ crisis ​has led to concerns about national security, humanitarian issues, and‌ the ⁣country’s ability ⁣to cope with the influx‌ of‍ migrants. ‌The country’s border patrol efforts, including the construction of a steel ‌wall ⁣and enhanced cooperation with neighboring countries, aim to prevent illegal migration and address ⁢the humanitarian needs of migrants. As the situation continues to evolve, it is essential for Lithuania to maintain a balanced approach that addresses both security ⁣concerns and humanitarian needs.





Belarus Poland border crisis

Migrant Crisis on Lithuania-Belarus Border: A Developing Situation

The ongoing migrant crisis on the Lithuania-Belarus border has led to a surge in illegal border crossings, with thousands of migrants attempting to enter Lithuania from Belarus since 2021 [[3]]. In response, Lithuania, Poland, and Latvia have stepped up border controls, spending hundreds of millions of euros to secure their borders with high fences bristling with barbed wire [[1]].

Recently, the officers of the Puškai border checkpoint of the VSAT Vilnius border team recorded 14 persons illegally trying to enter Lithuania from Belarus after breaking through the physical barrier in the Ignalina district [[2]]. The border guards arrested the intruders, comprising 12 men and 2 women, and assessed their health condition.

In this particular incident, 5 foreigners complained of health problems, and the border guards provided medical attention and transferred them to Visaginas hospital [[2]]. The migrants also reported brutal behavior by Belarusian officials, including physical abuse and electric shocks [[2]].

The Lithuanian border guards have a protocol in place to handle such situations, providing medical attention and screening migrants for asylum requests [[2]]. In this case, the migrants were given the opportunity to file for political asylum, with some already having documents and others without [[2]].

This incident is just one example of the ongoing migrant crisis on the Lithuania-Belarus border. Since August 2021, Lithuanian border guards have prevented almost 22,000 people from crossing into the country from Belarus [[3]]. The situation has led to increased tensions between Lithuania and Belarus, with both countries accusing each other of facilitating the migrant crisis.

The European Union has also taken note of the situation, with the European Parliament highlighting the need for cooperation between EU member states to address the migration crisis [[2]]. The EU has also provided financial support to Lithuania and other countries affected by the crisis.

the migrant crisis on the Lithuania-Belarus border remains a pressing issue, with thousands of migrants attempting to enter Lithuania illegally every year. The Lithuanian government, along with its European partners, must work together to address the root causes of the crisis and provide humanitarian assistance to those affected.





Optimized keywords: migrant crisis, Lithuania-Belarus border, border controls, asylum seekers, European Union, humanitarian assistance.



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