[Beijing Winter Olympics]Ukrainian male general holds anti-war slogan IOC will not punish: he preaches peace

(Photo Credit : Vladyslav Heraskevych IG)

A Ukrainian athlete held up an anti-war slogan at the Beijing Winter Olympics on Friday (11th), becoming the first political protest at the event, despite the growing tension on the border between Ukraine and Russia. ) prohibits the athlete from making any form of political speech, but the final decision will not penalize him.

Vladyslav Heraskevych, a 23-year-old Ukrainian snowmobile athlete, suddenly raised a sign with the slogan “NO WAR IN UKRAINE” after the third round of the race on Friday. Solitaire expresses an anti-war attitude. In the end, he finished 18th out of 25 contestants yesterday (12th). After the game, he explained the original meaning behind the cards, “Like everyone, I don’t want war, I want peace in the country and peace in the world. This is my position. , therefore I will fight for peace”.

Although IOC regulations prohibit athletes from making political, religious or racial propaganda in the Olympic Games, the director believes that Raskife rule is in line with the anti-war and peace spirit of the Olympic Games, so he decided not to punish him.

This article is by “Sportsroad“Originally published in “[Beijing Winter Olympics]Ukrainian male general holds anti-war slogan IOC will not punish: he preaches peace

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