Beijing takes the lead in implementing the supervision of pre-collected funds for specialized trainings and unconditional refunds for those who do not participate in training within 7

Source title: Beijing takes the lead in implementing the supervision of pre-collected funds for specialized technical training and unconditional refunds for those who do not participate in training within 7 days

Today (July 22), the “Detailed Regulations on the Supervision of Prepaid Funds for Single-purpose Prepaid Cards in Beijing Professional and Technical Vocational Qualification Examination Training Institutions (Trial)” was released. The first batch of 24 professional and technical vocational qualification examination training projects.

“Eight Prohibitions” Standardize Training Institutions

Guaranteed commitments such as guarantees, guarantees, and guarantees to obtain certificates are not allowed;

It is not allowed to make false or misleading publicity about training services, deceive or mislead consumers;

It is not allowed to rely on certificates, to register on behalf of those who do not meet the examination qualifications, to provide examination questions and other false and illegal promises to deceive and mislead consumers;

It is not allowed to use the account of the training institution that is not agreed in the contract to charge fees, and to charge extra fees in addition to the content of the contract, to apportion fees to consumers or forcibly raise funds;

not allow bundling of credit services to consumers;

It is not allowed to provide consumers with inquiry services such as the use of prepaid funds, training service consumption records, balances and other information;

Charges that exceed the service capacity of the training institution are not allowed;

Other behaviors that violate the principle of fair dealing are not allowed.

Specific restrictions on refunds

The regulatory rules impose specific constraints on refunds. Among them, if the trainee does not participate in the training within 7 days from the date of signing the contract and completing the payment, he has the right to unconditionally cancel the contract and request the training institution to refund the fee. amount refunded.

If the training institution fails to provide training services as agreed, or the two parties reach an agreement through negotiation, or it falls under other circumstances under which the contract can be terminated by law, as long as the trainee requests a refund, the training institution shall refund the balance of the advance payment at one time within the agreed time limit; It is clear that the refund should be returned within 15 days from the date of requesting the refund.

Funds received in advance are included in depository

The regulatory rules make it clear that the training institution should include all the funds received in advance into the fund depository, independently select a commercial bank within the jurisdiction of Beijing as the depository bank, and open a special account for the depository of the funds received in advance. When withdrawing depository funds, it must match the progress of training services. The depository bank will allocate funds within 5 working days after the students confirm and agree to withdraw funds according to the completion of training services submitted by the training institutions and the corresponding fund withdrawal needs.

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