2023-05-19 11:44:00
According to news from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing intends to organize the implementation of the “Beijing General Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Partnership Program” and recruit members of the partnership program through multiple channels. Through invitations from relevant departments, self-recommendations by enterprises, recommendations from industry organizations, etc., extensively recruit members of the partner program, form a list of members of the partner program, give full play to the resource advantages of the members of the partner program, and help accelerate the iteration of large-scale model development and popularization and application. Increase financial support. Use high-tech industry development funds to support the development of the general artificial intelligence industry, and promote the construction of computing power infrastructure, data circulation transactions, and key technology research and development. Make full use of high-tech development funds, increase investment in the general artificial intelligence industry, actively introduce social capital, encourage the establishment of general artificial intelligence industry funds, and increase investment in enterprises.
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