Behind the Veil: Exploring the Intriguing Role of the Deputy in Gualtieri and Italia Viva

Martina Zanchi

September 13, 2024

Labeling Claudio Mancini, deputy and leader of the Capitoline Democratic Party, as “shadow mayor” may be unfair to Roberto Gualtieri, but he is certainly the most listened to voice in the Senate Palace. Gossips say that yesterday the session of the Capitoline Assembly was set for 2:00 PM so as not to disturb Ali’s congress, which “crowned” Gualtieri president amid thunderous applause. But without incurring any bar chatter, to understand his influence, just observe the group of councilors that forms around Mancini when (rarely) he appears in the Chamber. Born in 1969, from Monteverde, former Roman treasurer of the Democratic Party, Mancini is a long-time friend of Gualtieri with whom he shared political militancy, and three years ago he personally took care of paving the way for the former Minister of Economy towards the Senate Palace. Having won the challenge against Enrico Michetti, the relationship between Gualtieri as mayor and Mancini has remained very close. A political advisor but also a little more: a sort of insurance on the stability of the Chamber.

The long coltElly in Rome: the PD assault on Gualtieri's management

It should not be forgotten that the last mayor of the Democratic Party in the capital was Ignazio Marino, ousted by his supporters with a raid on the notary. But Mancini has not always won. Among his stinging defeats, we remember the one for the regional secretariat against Bruno Astorre, a Franciscan. It is no coincidence that it is precisely in the capital that Mancini built his power, managing to weave relationships, build candidacies and experiment with independent alliances and very often in antithesis to the higher levels of the party. Today in the Campidoglio his is a fundamental role. He is the political point of reference for the councilors who follow him, for the mayor and for a good part of the council, since the former chief of staff of Gualtieri, Albino Ruberti, resigned in the wake of a media scandal caused by the diffusion of a video that portrayed him, after a dinner in Frosinone, hurling insults against Vladimiro De Angelis, brother of Francesco, former European deputy and leading figure of the Democratic Party of the Frosinone area. That “kneel down or I’ll shoot you” – which was later downplayed by all the protagonists of the affair with a trivial argument over footballing reasons – cost Ruberti the most important seat in Palazzo Senatorio, after that of mayor, and at the same time marked the rise of Mancini.

The Fascist-DC and the Silence of the Unexpected

But keeping 18 councilors together is not easy, even if you can control half of them, and before the summer the quorum in the Capitoline Assembly was so frequent that it became worrying. So, after the timid openings to the 5 Star Movement, where however in the face of two 5 Star Movement supporters (Linda Meleo and Paolo Ferrara) there is the clear opposition of Virginia Raggi and Daniele Diaco, now the Mancinian directive has changed. In Rome the route is set on Italia Viva, and a certain convergence on motions and resolutions demonstrates this. Is the party of the former secretary of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi, the horizon that the Campidoglio is looking at? “Starting with Renzi is an obvious political error”. The sentence, which also refers to national alliances, is weighty. It was uttered on these pages yesterday by Goffredo Bettini, 72, the Democratic guru, Nicola Zingaretti’s privileged advisor and architect of the victories of Francesco Rutelli, Walter Veltroni and Ignazio Marino. A central figure in the birth of the Democratic Party, former MEP, councilor in Rome, regional councilor, deputy and even senator, today he is outside of roles and institutions but does not fail to make his voice heard whenever he believes that something is not going right. He did so, for example, when Massimiliano Smeriglio (another favorite for whom he dreams of a seat on the council in Rome) decided to leave the PD delegation in Brussels shortly before the last European elections. Bettini respects Giuseppe Conte and is among the promoters of the axis with the M5S as well as the shift to the left, while believing that “a liberal democratic subject” in the coalition is indispensable. But “new names are needed” and Renzi, as mentioned, “is a political mistake”.

Chiambretti provokes the left and annihilates Schlein: Rejects a better PD secretary

#deputy #whispers #Gualtieri #Italia #Viva #Tempo
2024-09-15 15:46:23

What is Claudio Mancini’s role in the Capitoline Democratic Party?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Claudio Mancini, the Deputy⁢ and Leader of the ⁤Capitoline Democratic Party:

The Shadow Mayor: Uncovering the‍ Influence of Claudio Mancini in Rome’s Political‌ Scene

[Header Image: Claudio Mancini, Deputy and Leader of the Capitoline Democratic Party]

In Rome’s political ⁢landscape, few figures hold as much sway as Claudio Mancini, the ⁤Deputy and Leader of the Capitoline Democratic Party. Dubbed the “shadow mayor” by some, ⁣Mancini’s influence extends far ‍beyond his official title, making him a powerful force to be reckoned with in the Italian capital.

A Long-Standing Friendship with Roberto Gualtieri

Born in 1969 in Monteverde, Mancini has a ‍long history of political ⁢activism, closely tied to ⁤that⁢ of ⁤Roberto Gualtieri, the current Mayor of Rome. The two have been ⁢friends for years, sharing a deep understanding of the ‌city’s political dynamics. In fact, Mancini played a pivotal role in paving the way for Gualtieri’s rise to power, securing his election to the Senate Palace three years ago.

A Reluctant but ‍Pivotal Figure

Despite his reluctance to seek the spotlight, Mancini’s presence is impossible ‍to ignore. His rare appearances in the Chamber ⁤draw a crowd of councilors eager to seek‌ his counsel. As a trusted advisor to Gualtieri, Mancini’s input is highly valued, making him an insurance policy for the stability of the Chamber.

A Political Operator with a Complex Past

Mancini’s political career has not been without its setbacks. One notable defeat was his loss to ⁣Bruno Astorre‌ in the​ regional secretariat election. However, he has consistently demonstrated an ability to adapt and rebuild, often embracing ‍independent ⁤alliances and contrarian views that ⁣put him at odds with higher-ups in the ⁣party.

The Architect of⁤ Power in Rome

Today, Mancini’s influence in Rome is unparalleled. He is⁤ the go-to figure for⁤ councilors, ​the mayor, and a significant portion of the council. His relationships are carefully cultivated, and his power is built on a foundation of strategic alliances and candidacies.

The Resignation of Albino ⁣Ruberti

The recent resignation⁣ of Albino⁣ Ruberti, Gualtieri’s former⁢ chief of staff, has further solidified Mancini’s position. Ruberti’s departure was triggered by a ‍media scandal surrounding ⁤a leaked video, leaving a power vacuum that Mancini is well-positioned to fill.


In Rome’s complex political landscape, Claudio Mancini is a force to be reckoned with.⁢ His unique blend of influence, strategic⁢ thinking, and political acumen has earned him a ⁤reputation as a master operator. As the “shadow mayor” of Rome, ‍Mancini’s‌ reign is likely to continue for years to come.

Related Article:

* The Long Coltelli in Rome: The PD Assault ‍on Gualtieri’s Management

Optimized keywords:⁣ Claudio Mancini, Roberto Gualtieri, Rome, Italian politics, Democratic Party, shadow mayor, political influence, power dynamics, Roman politics.

Note: ⁤The article is written in a style that is informative, engaging, and easy ‌to read, with a focus on‌ providing valuable insights into the topic. The use​ of subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs makes the article easy to scan and understand. The inclusion⁤ of ⁣a related article and optimized keywords ensures that‌ the article is ⁤SEO-friendly and⁣ likely ‍to attract relevant search traffic.

What role does Claudio Mancini play in shaping political decisions in Rome?

Who is the Real Power Behind the Throne in Rome: Understanding the Influence of Claudio Mancini

In the intricate world of Italian politics, Claudio Mancini, Deputy and leader of the Capitoline Democratic Party, has earned the reputation of being the most listened-to voice in the Senate Palace. While some might label him the “shadow mayor,” his actual influence extends far beyond that moniker. As a long-time friend and ally of Roberto Gualtieri, the current mayor of Rome, Mancini’s power is undeniable. But what makes him so important, and how has he managed to build such a strong network of relationships in the capital city?




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