Behind the kind and helpful grandpa “Uncle Guy” was an aggressive sexual predator…

A 77-year-old man, nicknamed “Uncle Guy” by the children, was arrested in Toulouse after being accused of rape and sexual assault on young girls. For five years, between 2010 and 2015, he abused several victims by pretending to be a helpful pensioner, gaining the trust of the parents.


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The children nicknamed him “Uncle Guy”. But behind the image of the nice grandpa was a pedophile. The man, now 77 years old, was arrested in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) for rape and sexual assault on young girls.

According to the newspaper The Midi Dispatchthe events took place between 2010 and 2015, when the suspect was between 63 and 68 years old. “Uncle Guy” gained the trust of the mothers by presenting himself as a helpful retiree and offering his services to babysit.

It was then, alone with the children, that he raped and sexually assaulted at least three victims, all under 10 years old at the time of the events. In 2022, he would go so far as to try to buy the silence of the families with money and blackmail with suicide.

In front of the investigators, the suspect will first deny the facts before admitting certain scenes reported by the victims. Two of them are psychologically marked by this sexual violence. According to the regional daily, the suspect was brought before a court for indictment after being taken into custody.



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