Behind Justine’s Move: The Sad Reason Revealed | Love is in the Meadow

2023-10-25 20:51:00

Par Error Semali


Attached to the TV section, Hiba Semali devotes herself to the small screen. The Voice, Koh-Lanta, Top Chef, Secret Story, Star Academy and even Les Marseillais have no secrets for her.

She was heavily criticized. Deemed too authoritarian, sometimes insincere and even accused of “abusing weakness”, Justine is not unanimously accepted. In front of the cameras of “L’amour est dans le pré”, the young woman moved in with Patrice. A much too rapid move which raises questions. A first response was given, and there is nothing happy regarding it.

Justine (Love is in the meadow): The sad reason behind her moving in with Patrice… Dailymotion

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Every Monday, M6 broadcasts new images from the 18th season of Love is in the meadow. During the last episodes, Patrice made his choice: exit Véronique, the one he wants is Justine. The 39-year-old suckler cow farmer and his suitor exchanged a first kiss. And that’s not the only milestone they’ve passed! In fact, the young woman moved in with Patrice. A move considered a little too rapid by the farmer’s relatives but also by viewers. In reality, behind Justine’s eagerness lies a very sad reason.

In his podcast Tea time, blogger Aqababe makes some revelations regarding the couple. And while many Internet users reacted to the arrival of Justine with her 30 boxes – including 15 exclusively filled with her stuffed animals – at Patrice’s home, he reveals why the thirty-year-old wanted to go so quickly. “Rumor has it that Justine lived in a hostel, hence the express move and no visit to her home“, we then learn.

Justine in “very serious depression” before Love is in the meadow

Information not yet confirmed by the main interested party. However, a few years ago, Justine revealed that she had gone through a difficult period. At the microphone of France Bleu Alsace in November 2020, the former weather correspondent made headline revelations. “I am in the process of rebuilding a new project following a very complicated burn-out, therefore a very serious depression. I didn’t talk regarding it on the radio because I want to be positive and move forward“, she explained. And to talk regarding her projects: “Everything office related has interested me for a very long time, especially with my mother being a secretary-accountant.. Tourism too, whether to lead conferences, tours or work in a tourism agency. The job of translator that I link to that of bilingual journalist. These are avenues that I would like to explore through immersion courses with Pôle emploi or others, in France as in Germany.”

Since then, she has participated in L’amour est dans le pré, met her other half. And the latest news, Justine and Patrice are still a couple. It was the Alsatian herself who spilled the beans, once more according to information from Aqababe.

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