Beginning of the 8th National Congress of USFP Women (videos) –

The 8th National Congress of the Socialist Organization of Ittihadi Women began this Thursday, October 6 in Bouznika, and will end on Friday, with the election of a new national secretary, new members of the National Council as well as new secretaries regional.

The organization is counting on a new stage to win many bets. This, through the development of a new organizational vision and roadmaps, as outlined in the framework document. The congress was attended by party cadres, politicians from different parties and representatives of partisan women’s organizations as well as representatives of women’s organizations from Cuba, Tunisia, Colombia, Congo and Spain.

On this occasion, Driss Lachgar, 1st Secretary of the USFP, declared that this stage is “political par excellence”, and that the organization will face many challenges, noting that the ittihadies have made a great effort to organize the Congress.

For his part, Khadouj Slassi, Outgoing National Secretary, of the Organization said that the organization now has more than 24 branches in several cities. And to add, in a statement that the organization works to raise awareness and defend human rights and publicize the national cause. Emphasizing that the organization will redouble its efforts under the leadership of the new national secretariat. (3 videos)

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