before the ECOWAS summit, the head of diplomacy on tour among his neighbors

Published on : 29/06/2022 – 17:46

A few days before the ECOWAS summit scheduled for Sunday in Accra, Ghana, the Guinean authorities, who fear sanctions from the sub-regional organization, are multiplying gestures of appeasement. Since November 2021, Guinea has already been suspended from ECOWAS. As such, it therefore does not participate in the summit of heads of state. The Guinean Minister of Foreign Affairs made a tour of several influential heads of state in the sub-region to plead the cause of Conakry.

Morissanda Kouyaté, the Guinean Minister of Foreign Affairs, was the weekend of June 25 to 26, in Abidjan. He then traveled to Senegal and Ghana. Its objective is to present the efforts made by Conakry, justify the timetable for the transition, discuss the national dialogue and the company to recover real estate, which has created tensions in recent months.

Towards the arrival of a mediator in Conakry?

According to several sources, the Guinean authorities would be ready to accept the presence of an ECOWAS mediator. It remains to be seen whether the figure of the Ghanaian Mohamed Ibn Chambas, announced a few months ago, will be accepted by Conakry. This personality has a very good knowledge of the Guinean file “, pleads an observer. ” Chambas is unanimous within the political class “, adds this analyst.

Accepting the idea of ​​a mediator is already a first step, comments a diplomat: ” This would restore confidence in the political class and the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) “. The FNDC has moreover suspended its movements to allow time for dialogue.

►Also read: US Ambassador to Guinea Calls for Short Transition



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