Beer price will rise in 2022: these are the reasons | Economy

This year the price of beer is expected to increase due to the increase in the costs of transport, energy and raw materials. The news was announced by Heineken and Carlsberg brewers.

Not only at the health level, the pandemic has wreaked havoc. At the economic level, there are several industries affected by the logistical problems caused by this crisis. The new victim of covid-19 globally will be beer consumers, since the popular concoction will have an increase in its price.

This was announced by one of the largest brewers in the world, Heineken, indicating that the cost of manufacturing the product rose due to the increase in the value of energy and transportation, in addition to the increase in the cost of raw materials.

Through a statement, Heiniken indicated that they expect “a significant impact from inflation and supply chain pressures. More specifically, we expect our costs per hectoliter to grow in mid-double digits” as a result of the “strong increase in raw materials, energy and freight”.

“We will offset these cost increases through prices in absolute terms, which may lead to a more moderate consumption of beer”they added.

Increased consumption and earnings in 2021

It should be noted that the company, which has more than 300 brands, announced that its revenues increased by almost 12% in 2021 compared to the previous year, it was reported DW.

The latter helped Heineken to recover from the 2020 crisis, since that year due to the effect of the coronavirus, sales fell considerably compared to 2019.

However, Heineken indicated that due to the increase in the price of beer, they are expected to grow more moderately in 2022. “Although we continue with that forecast, there is a growing uncertainty given the current economic situation and the context of costs,” they said.

“In 2021, the brewery obtained an operating profit of 3,414 million, 43.8% more than in 2020, and a net profit of 2,041 million. 80.2% more. The volume of beer sold was 231.2 million hectoliters, 4.6%”, explains the newspaper The country.

Notably, Carlsberg also announced that it would increase the price of its beers, citing the same reasons as Heinekes.



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