Beer Party published first details of election manifesto

On the homepage of the Beer Party their ideas in the areas of migration and asylum as well as health were published. The first parts of the “menu”, as Dominik Wlazny’s party calls its program, offer little surprise and remain vague in parts. Among other things, measures for better integration of immigrants and better medical care are called for.

Mandatory distribution of asylum seekers

Asylum is a human right, qualified immigration is necessary, but abuse of asylum must be punished, says the Beer Party’s program. It calls for a mandatory distribution of asylum seekers in the EU and within Austria. How this is to happen remains open. It also calls for faster asylum procedures, faster recognition of professional qualifications and qualification measures for those who are allowed to stay in the country permanently.

The Beer Party also wants compulsory German courses, including the teaching of values, from day one “for all people who come to Austria and don’t speak enough German.” To prevent violence in public spaces, more social workers in schools and more street workers are being called for, as well as more resources for the police.

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The ideas are more concrete in the area of ​​health, where the beer parties criticize a two-tier healthcare system. Some of the focus here is on expanding existing projects, including primary care centers and the community nurse project that was launched around two years ago. The party also supports the planned expansion of the 1450 health hotline. They also demand a uniform catalog of services and fees, more health insurance doctors and an extension of the distribution rights for home pharmacies. To counteract the shortage of doctors, there should be secure training places with job guarantees and basic training in hospitals should be abolished.

In the nursing field, the Beer Party wants to increase training pay, provide more support for administrative tasks and a nationwide, standardized electronic patient file for nursing. To prevent health problems, there should be daily exercise classes and incentives through reduced health insurance contributions if preventive examinations and other targets are met.



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