Bed bugs spread dangerously in the VIII. district

Municipal apartment buildings are mostly infected in Budapest, and in districts where there are homeless shelters, special attention must be paid to regular extermination, a bed bug extermination specialist told the Metropolis to search for. According to him, the municipal extermination twice a year is not enough, but the residents/tenants can also be responsible for the proliferation, since usually not everyone in a building takes the trouble to report the problem to the municipality, and many people are not willing to order an extermination at their own expense. The paper also contacted the Józsefváros municipality regarding the case, but they have not yet received an answer.

According to a resident of Józsefváros, their municipal apartment building was invaded by bed bugs during the summer, which they have not been able to exterminate since then.

The exterminator also said that VIII. district is completely infected, there wasn’t a street where he didn’t go to exterminate bed bugs. I can’t sleep at night, they sting me, I can’t even go to the cinema, but I don’t travel by public transport either, Day of the Dead and Christmas are coming, I can’t contact my relatives either. This is worse than Covid

complained the resident.

Bed bugs infested the municipal apartment building at Tömő utca 5 (Photo: MW archive)

34 families live in Tömő utca 5. and ten apartments are closed. Bed bugs have appeared everywhere, but not everyone is getting rid of them. Therefore, even if they could, they cannot get rid of unwanted bloodsuckers. The Józsefváros municipality provided only the minimum to its tenants, who, according to them, were just smears. Bed bugs are also present.

According to a local resident, he first exterminated the bed bugs at the beginning of summer, and then the VIII. the district municipality also filed, but to no avail. As he recalled, the exterminator assigned by the municipality finished in just seven minutes, and he wasn’t even wearing a mask.

The extermination ordered by the municipality was unsuccessful. After that, the resident had to exterminate again at his own expense, for HUF 27,000, after he was told by the municipality that the tenants have to finance themselves in addition to the two per year if they want to exterminate, recalled the resident, who wanted to get rid of the bedbugs in vain , he can’t, because not everyone in the house finances the extermination themselves.

In addition, as he said: “There are empty apartments where the bloodsuckers have taken over, and no one but the bedbugs can enter there. These apartments and their absent tenants should be visited or obliged by the owner’s municipality, without which the bed bugs will never be eradicated from here.”

You can pick up bed bugs anywhere in Budapest

Bed bugs don’t come to the dirt, practically it doesn’t matter what the environment is, its spread is most similar to the flu. You can also collect them in the community, since you never know whether our neighbor at the cinema, a passenger on the bus, or even our colleague from home may not have accidentally brought a bug or two with them. It can get into the apartment in two ways: either on your own feet, or other people bring it in on their clothes or on the soles of their shoes. The presence of bed bugs in hotels, hotels and apartments is also not uncommon. It takes an average of thirty days from the first appearance of the bloodsucker until the problem is recognized, which can result in fifty hatched bed bugs on the thirtieth day. Of these, the number of fully mature bedbugs can reach twenty, which by that time could have laid up to eighty to a hundred eggs waiting to hatch. It can be very difficult to eradicate.



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