Because of its harm to the mother and fetus.. Menoufia Health issues directives to reduce caesarean section

Today, Monday, Dr. Khaled Gamal Abdel-Ghani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Menoufia, chaired a meeting with hospital directors affiliated with the Directorate of Health Affairs in Menoufia, to find out the latest developments and discuss all ways to reduce the number of caesarean deliveries in the governorate, due to its serious damage to the health of the mother and fetus.

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In the presence of Dr. Rasha Khader and Dr. Osama Al Shalakany, the deputy director of the Directorate, Dr. Abdul Bari Al-Ajezi, Director General of the Department of Therapeutic Medicine, Dr. Muhammad Salama, Director of Hospitals in the Directorate, Dr. Amal Al Arabi, Director of the Family Planning Department, directors of technical departments in the Directorate and directors of affiliated hospitals.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Menoufia issued several directives during the meeting that would reduce the increase in the number of unjustified caesarean deliveries, in return for an increase in the demand for natural births, in the context of preserving the health of the mother and fetus and improving the public health of citizens, explaining that the directives to reduce births An unnecessary cesarean section aims to reduce the severe negative results of this procedure, which exposes the mother to several risks, including penetrating placenta, hysterectomy during childbirth, massive birth bleeding, as well as complications for children and future generations from an increase in intestinal bacteria, obesity, and allergies. autism, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.

Abdel-Ghani indicated that the measures that the Minister of Health and Population directed to take to reduce unnecessary cesarean deliveries, include directing to equalize the fees of doctors and medical staff for natural births with the same for caesarean births, and allocating a financial incentive for the medical team that achieves higher rates of natural birth, directed by organizing Periodic training for in-service medical teams, with directing those in charge of governmental and private medical facilities, to collect health information and routine data on caesarean sections and their causes, to achieve data governance, analyze all causes of cesarean births, and oblige all private and governmental hospitals to work with guidelines related to the causes and controls of resorting to childbirth Cesarean section.

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And he was assigned to conduct questionnaires and studies in residential areas, to find out the data that helps improve ways to encourage pregnant women to adopt the idea of ​​natural births, in addition to holding community discussions on the harms of cesarean deliveries, and increasing psychological education sessions for women who suffer from fear of pain, stressing the need to activate the role of Civil society to participate in the consolidation of correct concepts about natural birth and its benefits for the mother and child, and the harms of caesarean section “without medical justification”, and the implementation of an intensive media campaign to educate women and their husbands about the harms of cesarean delivery – unjustified – and its danger to the mother and fetus, while reviewing the benefits and advantages of natural childbirth.

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