Beata Szydło reacts to reports of changes in PiS. What did the former prime minister write?

Beata Szydło reacts to reports of changes in PiS. What did the former prime minister write?

The WP source said that for Jarosław Kaczyński it is unacceptable for three of the six vice-presidents of the party to be in Brussels and Strasbourg on a daily basis. The party’s leadership includes MEPs Joachim Brudziński, Mariusz Kamiński and Beata Szydło. The remaining members of the PiS authorities are Mateusz Morawiecki, Mariusz Błaszczak and Antoni Macierewicz.

PiS Congress. Will Beata Szydło lose her position as party vice-president?

Szydło’s position in the party was also said to have been weakened by the situation in the Małopolska regional assembly, where a rebellion by PiS councillors associated with the former prime minister resulted in Łukasz Kmita not being elected as the speaker. As a result, the former prime minister did not become vice-chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament.

Beata Szydło on Monday responded to media reports regarding the possibility of her losing her position in the party.

In a post on X, he appealed to other party members to speak out publicly on this issue.

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“If you don’t want me in the PiS leadership so much, then say it publicly, and don’t run around anonymously whispering to journalists. Courage, gentlemen!” – wrote the MEP.



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