Beat the Heat: Tips for Staying Cool When Heading Back to Work

Beat the Heat: Tips for Staying Cool When Heading Back to Work

2024-09-06 08:54:48

It’s not always easy to get back into the swing of things after returning from vacation. After a (well-deserved) break, finding direction and rhythm in your work can be tricky. According to a study released in June 2024, “FoMo” (fear of missing out) is increasingly prevalent in the labor market and causes anxiety among workers. It can be said that workers may be more affected after being disconnected for days or even weeks.

In a job market where people are increasingly aware of the issue of happiness at work, here are some tips for preparing for this sometimes painful but necessary reward.

routine and exercise

In order to successfully begin recovery, preparation is essential. On a personal level, this also involves establishing non-work routines. This is explained Mireille Trits Keyser, Coach specializing in happiness at work: “It is important to restore rhythm through a more regular eating and sleeping schedule to avoid distractions and energy leaks. Even better if this is coupled with regular exercise practice. »

Clément Valette, Marketing and Communications Manager ATID ConsultantsA quality of work life consulting firm shared these tips, noting that it’s crucial to “separate personal and professional life” and disconnect outside of work hours.

Sort by email

Once you step through the office door, the problem of dozens or even hundreds of emails sitting in your professional inbox can quickly arise. The anxiety that comes with working digitally can quickly become apparent. In this sense, Mireille Tritz-Kayser believes that it is very important to spend time sorting emails: “You should not hesitate to dedicate an hour to this sorting, in order to assess the degree of urgency. Above all, you must Know how to delegate tasks when you can rather than shoulder all of this burden yourself »

a business

In April last year, the founder of Teale, a platform focused on corporate mental health, declared that mental health at work is a “top priority in 2024” and must be fully integrated into corporate culture. Clément Valette also believes that companies must pay attention to this topic: “Employers must always be aware of this problem. It is the responsibility of companies to detect these problems, build teams and provide support to healthcare professionals. » If recovery The process is tough, find out what your company can offer you in this area, and don’t hesitate to ask for a meeting with your manager and/or HR.

#avoid #overheating #returning #work

Getting⁤ Back into⁤ the Swing of Things: Tips ⁣for a‌ Smooth Return to Work After Vacation

Are you ‌struggling to ⁢get back into the rhythm of work​ after a well-deserved vacation? You’re not alone. According to ⁤a study released in June⁤ 2024, ​the “fear of missing out” (FoMo) is increasingly prevalent in the labor market, causing anxiety among‌ workers. This phenomenon ​can be particularly challenging after a prolonged period of disconnection.

In today’s job market, where happiness at⁤ work is increasingly important, it’s essential to have a strategy in place to ease back into your work⁢ routine. Here are some valuable tips to help you prepare for a successful return⁣ to work after your vacation.

Establishing a Routine ⁤and Exercise

Preparation is ⁣key to a successful return to work.‌ On a‍ personal level,‍ this means establishing non-work routines to help you restore your rhythm. Mireille Trits Keyser, a Coach specializing in happiness⁢ at work, emphasizes the ⁣importance of “restoring rhythm‌ through ⁣a more regular eating and sleeping schedule‍ to avoid distractions‌ and energy ⁤leaks. Even ⁤better if⁣ this is‍ coupled with regular exercise practice.”

Regular exercise can ‌help increase energy levels, reduce stress, and ‍improve focus. ​Additionally, a consistent sleep‌ schedule will ⁤help regulate your body’s internal clock, ​making it easier to wake up ‍and feel motivated ⁤in the morning.

Separating Personal and Professional Life

Clément Valette, Marketing and Communications⁢ Manager at ATID Consultants, a quality of work-life consulting firm, stresses the importance of “separating ⁤personal and ⁣professional life” and disconnecting ‌outside of work hours. This helps⁤ to ‌maintain a healthy work-life balance, reducing the likelihood of burnout⁣ and increasing overall job⁤ satisfaction.

Managing Your Inbox

The daunting task of sorting through a ​crowded inbox can be overwhelming, especially after a⁤ prolonged period away from work. Mireille Tritz-Kayser advises dedicating an hour to sorting through emails, ‍assessing their urgency,⁢ and delegating tasks when possible. ‍This will help you prioritize your workload, reduce stress, and focus on high-priority tasks.

Prioritizing Tasks⁣ and Setting Boundaries

It’s essential to prioritize tasks and set boundaries to⁢ maintain ​a sense of control and avoid feeling‌ overwhelmed. Identify critical tasks that require immediate attention, and ​allocate specific⁣ times for checking emails and taking breaks.


Getting‍ back into the swing of things after a vacation ⁤can be‌ challenging, but with ‍the right strategies in place, you can ease ​back into⁢ your work ​routine with confidence. ⁣By​ establishing⁤ a⁣ routine, exercising regularly, ‌separating personal‍ and professional life, managing your‍ inbox, and⁣ prioritizing tasks, ⁢you’ll be well​ on‌ your way‌ to ‍a successful return to ​work.

Remember, ‍it’s okay to take your time to adjust⁢ to your work routine after ​a vacation. Be patient, and don’t hesitate ⁤to ⁣ask for help if ⁢you need it. With these tips, you’ll be back to your⁣ productive self in ‌no time.

Optimized Keywords:

Getting back ‌to work after vacation

fear of⁢ missing out (FoMo)

happiness at ‍work

work-life⁤ balance

‍ routine and exercise

managing email

prioritizing⁣ tasks

setting​ boundaries

Related Reads:

The Importance of Taking Breaks at Work

Tips for Managing Work-Life ​Balance

* The Benefits of Regular Exercise for‌ Productivity



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