“Beat Excessive Hunger: Tips from Dr. Michael Mosley to Improve Your Diet and Feel Full”

2023-05-08 12:31:27

Suffering from “excessive hunger” can be caused by a person’s lifestyle – because not eating the right foods can prevent a feeling of fullness, according to what was stated by the famous diet expert, Dr. Michael Mosley, in a report published by the British “The Mirror”.

Sometimes a difficult task

Mosley added that eating healthy meals, which include all the major food groups, is not always an easy task, and it can sometimes be tempting to increase carbohydrates and pay less attention to proteins and vegetables.

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But according to Dr. Moseley, who is best known for his weight loss tips, a poor diet can actually lead to “overeating” issues, which means feeling the urge to keep eating even when you’ve already had enough.

wrong items

Not including the right nutrients in the diet can lead to overeating and snacking, Dr. Mosley said, and advocated a diet, similar to the Mediterranean diet, consisting of plenty of fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables and olive oil.

Mediterranean diet

And Mosley added, in a post on his Fast 800 website, saying: “Although a person may feel that he is eating enough, if he is not getting the right nutrients, he can feel more hungry following or between meals. And if he is eating “If his diet is low in protein, fat or fiber, he will feel hungry frequently because his body craves what it really needs. That’s why we recommend a Mediterranean-style diet.”

Mosley explained that “adding plenty of non-starchy vegetables to each meal will also help you feel full and satisfied because they are full of vitamins and minerals.”

Rest, sleep and water

Mosley pointed out that there are other factors that can lead to feeling hungry throughout the day as well, such as not getting enough sleep, as two hormones in the body, leptin and ghrelin, are affected by the quality and regularity of sleep, and they are responsible for regulating appetite on a daily basis.

Mosley concluded his advice by saying that drinking plenty of water is also vital to avoid feeling hungry because hunger can sometimes be confused with thirst, which means that a person can eat when they really should be drinking water.

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