Beach sports: what precautions to take? – Featured

2023-08-18 14:07:39

August 18, 2023

Rackets, balls and other frisbees… The beach is a marvelous playground. However, a few precautions should be taken to avoid accidents.

When practicing sports on the beach, it is necessary to be vigilant regarding the state of the ground. Holes, bumps or even a few loose stones… The very uneven ground of the beach puts a lot of strain on the muscles, joints and tendons. So much so that playing sports can lead to potentially serious injuries. Like ankle or knee sprains, for example following a jump during a game of beach volleyball or a sudden change of direction during a beach soccer match.

A froid…

Another point of vigilance: these games are generally improvised. This means that they are practiced “cold”, that is to say without prior warm-up. “Muscles and joints are therefore even more exposed. Not to mention that the feet are bare, therefore not protected”, slip the representatives of the French Society of Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery (Sofcot).

In the heat…

Finally, the heat can also be a formidable adversary…” Playing at the end of the day following spending long hours on the beach, without properly hydrating, can promote strains, tendonitis, and even tendon ruptures “, they continue.

Consequently, Sofcot insists on a few rules that will allow you to limit the risk of injury:

  • Hydrate sufficiently before and during exercise;
  • Warm up and loosen up before getting into the game;
  • Take it easy: don’t play multiple games in a row on the first day.

And of course, do not force the days of peak heat…

#Beach #sports #precautions #Featured



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