Beach maneuvers, Zingaretti opens up to Renzi but it’s an immediate storm –

Christian Campigli

The last chance. The solution that everyone denies, but that many foment. A mixed fry that is difficult to digest, but potentially useful for returning to power and sitting on prestigious seats again. Nicola Zingaretti opens up to Matteo Renzi’s entry into the center-left. Despite the fact that there are still many doubts and perplexities among grillini and exponents of Avs. “After what happened, it seems natural to me that there is a debate and also a certain distrust – said the head of the delegation of the Democratic Party to the European Parliament interviewed by the newspaper La Stampa – If he did not provoke a debate today, his change of position would almost be transformism.

That said, Renzi’s rethinking is positive. Knowing that honesty, seriousness and a united spirit are required of everyone. We are together to build, not to hammer away». According to Zingaretti «proposing an alternative is no longer just a political objective, but a democratic duty». The involution of the native of Rignano is marked by two specific events and by a merciless, but rational, political analysis.

In the last elections, the centrist (but solitary) project of the former prime minister turned out to be a real disaster. In the European elections, the threshold was not overcome due to a series of errors, including strategic ones (which our newspaper has reported in great detail) and due to the consolidation of bipolarism. Those who legitimately hoped that there was life for a third pole were deeply disappointed. Of course, it is impossible not to underline how, in this context, the split with Carlo Calenda played a decisive role. That is, the other side of the coin of a social democratic proposal aware that “private economic initiative should be encouraged and helped. And not hindered, as, on the contrary, they theorize on the left.

The split between Azione and Italia Viva has then brought with it a far from elegant trail of mockery, insults and poisonous statements. But the municipal elections in Florence also had a great weight in Renzi’s choice, that of (re)landing on the rive gauche. The mayoral candidate Stefania Saccardi has collected about half of the votes hoped for. The voters of the Tuscan capital, always a hunting ground for Renzi’s movement, were divided (not equally) between the center-left and the center-right. Although among the conservatives there was a moderate candidate like Eike Schmidt, Italia Viva did not have the courage to support him. And so, without even too much difficulty, Sara Funaro became the first female citizen in the history of Florence.

Then two weeks of silence passed, at least with the press, but of long phone calls. The awareness of “having to do something” and the risk of being crushed between the two poles. And so, the return to the mother house, the left left in 2019, but never forgotten. Like the first The year in which Matteo Renzi left the Democratic Party love. In the PD, an organization united only in the name of power, the hypothesis of a return of the prodigal son was viewed very badly by the old guard (D’Alema and Bersani first and foremost), with pragmatism by the rest of the Democratic leaders. Aware that Giorgia Meloni can only be beaten by exceeding 50% of the consensus. And that, to do so, we need to hold our noses and run all together. But that, at the same time, it is essential to rebalance the axis at the center. It is no coincidence that it was Zingaretti who opened up to Renzi. Bettini’s man is well aware that the positions in favor of illegal occupations by Salis and Fratoianni, but also the green extremism of the grillini, will make the dependent middle class run away. Especially after the government’s decision to want to cut taxes for that middle class that has always been massacred by the left. A question arises spontaneously: assuming that this mixed fry can charm Italians, what will happen when the program has to be written? Or, even worse, when it will be time to apply it? The impossibility of reaching a compromise could thus transform that (potentially) appetizing dish into a brick impossible to digest.

#Beach #maneuvers #Zingaretti #opens #Renzi #storm #Tempo
2024-08-12 09:48:34



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