Be careful, the risk of heart attack is higher during the holiday season!

The end of year celebrations are generally a festive period. But the stressexcesses of all kinds, cold and fatigue can also be the source of irreversible tragedies. As the American Heart Association points out, in the West, the number of heart attacks is significantly higher December 25, 26 and January 1.

“We see every year, during the coldest months, an increase of approximately 10% in the rate of fatal cardiovascular events. But around Christmas or New Year, we see an additional 5% increase,” says Mich Elkind, head of clinical sciences for theAmerican Heart Association (AHA). A phenomenon that knows no borders, since it also affects many French people every year.

Why does the risk increase at the end of the year?

According to the cardiologists of the association, the cold would be the main cause of vascular accidents. Because of vasoconstriction, our heart actually tires faster. As the caliber of the arteries is narrowed, the risk of tearing the arterial wall increases. A clot that breaks off in the coronary arteries can cause a heart attack. Under the effect of the cold, a surge of arterial hypertension can also have serious consequences: stroke or rupture of a cerebral aneurysm.

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