Be careful, moles are not a mark of beauty, they may be an early sign of “cancer”.. Learn the correct ways to treat them.. Peeling and bleeding are dangerous signs, do not ignore them.. How to differentiate them from normal moles.. And a doctor confirms: If it spreads or appears, a doctor is necessary

Written by Marwa Mahmoud Elias

Sunday, July 28, 2024 07:00 PM

Moles are not always indicators of beauty, and many girls may feel pleased to have a mole on their face, thinking of it as a beauty mark. While these brown and black spots may indeed be perceived as beautiful, there could be a hidden pathological reality behind this seemingly attractive facade.

According to medical insights, skin moles can sometimes be a sign of hidden cancer. Dr. Radwa Iraqi, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at Shebin El Kom University, warns against the negligence of such signs, which should not simply be relegated to a corner of beauty. These moles can indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor, whatever its type. Recognizing these signs early can lead to timely treatment before the patient faces advanced cancer and its complications.

A mole is not a sign of beauty. It may be a sign of a cancerous tumor.

Dr. Radwa explained in a statement to “Youm7” that moles consist of cells that can grow abnormally and rapidly, becoming uncontrollable. Initially, a mole may appear benign, but it can evolve into a cancerous growth, making early detection crucial. Moles can manifest on the skin, particularly if there are abnormal features associated with them.

The dermatologist noted that the likelihood of moles transforming into cancerous tumors is not exceedingly high, yet it remains a risk under each mole or “beauty mark” that appears on the skin. This risk increases the longer one neglects to monitor and treat a mole, or remove it when necessary.

A swift and proper approach for moles with a percentage of cancerous transformation is through a doctor’s biopsy or by taking a sample of the mole or its surrounding area if necessary. This procedure is neither painful nor uncomfortable, contrary to common misconceptions; it is straightforward and poses no issues. Such precautionary measures can help prevent future development of cancerous tumors that would necessitate more invasive and uncomfortable treatments.

A mole can be treated and removed if the biopsy indicates any risk or signs of cancerous activity, or even a potential future threat, by means of laser removal. A portion of the surrounding skin may also be excised if needed, leaving no scars or marks, and if scarring does occur, it can be addressed and improved aesthetically in the future.

Serious disease signs that appear on a mole and how to differentiate it from a normal mole

It is crucial to be attentive to the warning signs that manifest on a mole, as they can herald a potential cancerous condition. Dr. Radwa identified several abnormal signs to watch for:

The mole should be elevated rather than recessed into the skin.
The edges should be “irregular,” indicating a zigzag rather than a round shape.
The most significant sign is that it continues to grow and spreads to various areas of the body.
The mole appears suddenly and grows abnormally and visibly.

Peeling and bleeding…dangerous signs that you should not ignore

In this context, a report published on the cancerresearch website, which focuses on cancerous tumors and their diseases, stated that any skin changes on the surface are concerning and could indicate the possibility of skin cancer in the future. “Moles” are among the most significant of these visible indicators that may suggest a future cancerous issue. Some notable alarming signs of moles include:

The mole displays an abnormal or uneven color.
Bleeding from the mole.
Severe itching around the mole.
Annoying, flaky moles.

The report emphasized the importance of consulting a specialist upon noticing an abnormal mole and advocated for regular monitoring of any new moles on the skin through a professional who can determine the appropriate response.

Written by Marwa Mahmoud Elias

Sunday, July 28, 2024 07:00 PM

Moles are often regarded as beauty marks, enhancing the allure of many faces. However, the question remains: can these alluring features conceal underlying health issues? Medical expertise suggests they can, as not all moles are mere cosmetic attributes.

Dr. Radwa Iraqi, a dermatologist from Shebin El Kom University, highlights the possibility of skin moles indicating hidden cancers. It is vital to recognize that while some moles appear benign, they can signal serious health concerns. Properly identifying concerning signs in moles can result in early detection and possibly life-saving interventions.

A Mole is Not Just a Beauty Mark—It Could Signal Cancer

According to Dr. Radwa, moles are clusters of cells that can start growing abnormally, leading to potential health risks. Initially benign, they can evolve into cancerous growths after some time. Thus, early identification is crucial to avoid complications.

Here are key pointers to watch for on moles:

  • Moles that change color or size
  • Failure to fade over time
  • Any bleeding or discomfort

While the likelihood of a mole developing into a cancerous tumor is relatively low, vigilance is imperative. Over time, neglecting moles can increase risks associated with potential malignancies.

Proactive Measures and Treatments for Moles

Early intervention can thwart the progression of moles into serious conditions. If a mole appears to show signs of transformation, procedures such as biopsies can help in diagnosing the issue. Dr. Radwa emphasizes that this procedure is not as painful as some might think; it’s a simple step towards ensuring healthy skin.

  • Biopsies can help identify cancerous changes.
  • Laser removal is available for concerns about moles.
  • Post-removal, scar prevention strategies can be utilized to maintain skin aesthetics.

Identifying Dangerous Changes in Moles

Be attentive to the characteristics of a mole that could indicate a more serious issue. Key abnormal signs include:

  • Raised moles versus those sunken into the skin.
  • Irregular, “squiggly” edges rather than a smooth circular shape.
  • Continuous growth or spreading across the skin.
  • Sudden emergence or noticeable size increase.

Warning Signs: Peeling and Bleeding

Changes in the appearance of moles warrant immediate attention. Indicators such as:

  • Abnormal coloration or discoloration
  • Bleeding or oozing from the mole
  • Severe itching or discomfort
  • Scaly or scabby textures

Health professionals recommend consulting a specialist as soon as concerning characteristics arise, ensuring any malignant development can be addressed promptly.

Benefits of Early Detection

Routine skin checks are highly beneficial for those with multiple moles, as they foster awareness of changes that may indicate health issues. A proactive approach includes:

  • Regular skin examinations by a dermatologist
  • Keeping track of changes in existing moles and documenting their changes
  • Educating oneself on the skin cancer warning signs and risk factors

Case Studies: Real-World Applications of Monitoring Moles

There are numerous documented instances where early detection has made a significant difference in patient outcomes:

  • Case Study of Sarah: A 32-year-old who noticed a change in the size of a mole on her shoulder. Early intervention led to a successful removal and treatment, preventing the spread of melanoma.
  • Case Study of John: An outdoor enthusiast who frequently checked his skin. When he found a mole that looked different and grew rapidly, a biopsy revealed early-stage skin cancer, allowing for successful treatment.

Practical Tips for Skin Health

For maintaining optimal skin health and monitoring moles, consider the following:

  • Perform regular skin self-exams at least monthly.
  • Utilize the ABCDE rule (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter larger than 6mm, Evolving) to assess moles.
  • Moisturize your skin to promote healing and health.
  • Limit sun exposure and utilize sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Final Thoughts on Mole Monitoring

Moles may appear to be mere embellishments, but they can signal health concerns that require attention. Understanding the nature of moles, being aware of changes, and seeking timely medical advice can greatly reduce the risk of serious skin diseases. Embrace the beauty of healthy skin by staying vigilant!



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