BDV presented contactless debit cards

The Bank of Venezuela (BDV) announced this Thursday, September 26, that it already has contactless debit cards (contactless).

In a press release sent to the media, the financial institution reported that in the last two years it has distributed a total of 4.1 million of these cards and has recently updated its points of sale, reaching more than 38 thousand distributed to date. throughout the national territory, “so that customers can enjoy this new and simple way of paying.”

He explained that this modality consists of bringing the debit card identified with the icon to the point of sale. contactless on its front part, since it works through a short-range wireless system, which requires that the point of sale of the establishment or business be updated with this technology. In this way, the reservation of the password is maintained.

He highlighted that BDV customers have the advantage of configuring from online banking the maximum amount they wish to establish to carry out this type of transaction, by entering the “Services” menu, “Cards” module, “Settings” and “Contactless payment”. ”, after selecting the card, you can modify the amount in the “Operation type” option; finally, accept and validate with your security method, in order to simplify these operations.

There is a maximum amount established per operation of 800 bolivars for completely contactless transactions, which can be configured up to 19 thousand bolivars if the client wishes; If you exceed this figure you will automatically be asked for the traditional debit card code at the time of paying.

For amounts greater than this or the amount predetermined by the customer, the debit card must be introduced at the point of sale. Additionally, through the same route, the bank made available to its clients the option to deactivate or reactivate this contactless technology.

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#BDV #presented #contactless #debit #cards
2024-09-27 06:20:46



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