BDV MICROCREDITS 2024: How to access? +GUIDE

BDV MICROCREDITS 2024: How to access? +GUIDE. Banco de Venezuela offers microcredits to merchants to boost their businesses.

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BDV MICROCREDITS 2024: How to access? +GUIDE

The Banco de Venezuela (BDV) offers different types of loans, such as microcredits that finance production, marketing, or personal services activities.

This is for the purpose of helping to start a business or improve your financial situation.

Features of BDV microcredits

  • Financing term according to credit evaluation
  • The amount of financing will be estimated according to the applicant’s payment capacity.
  • Payment method: Installments containing capital and interest expressed in Credit Value Units (UVC) resulting from dividing the amount in bolivars to be settled from the credit granted by the Investment Index (IDI) in force for that date.


  • Have a current account at the BDV

The precautions will depend on whether it is legal person y firma personal

BDV MICROCREDITS 2024: How to access? +GUIDE

2024-07-25 03:51:19



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