BBVA Bank Branches 2024 Calendar: ATMs Availability and Operations Guide

2024-01-16 01:11:00

In addition to Sundays, the 2024 calendar indicates that BBVA bank branches will not have activity for 12 days, What will happen to the ATMs of this banking institution?

Of the 12 days in which BBVA bank branches will not open, The first will be next Monday, February 5, due to the commemoration of the Mexican Constitution Day; The following days without attention to the public will be throughout the year, so You have to be vigilant to know when to advance the procedures and not find yourself with the situation of the branch closed.

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Regarding ATMs, also called practicajas, and the BBVA application, People will have access to their services, although in the case of the former, their availability will be subject to other types of situations.

Given that ATMs or ATMs are often found inside shopping centers, The hours of these devices, on holidays, are subject to the hours of the establishments where they are located.

These are The operations that can be carried out at BBVA ATMs or “practices”

– Cash payments to checking or savings accountswith application the same day, without commissions.

– Cash payments to BBVA credit cards with same day application, no commissions.

Payment of cards in different department stores.

Payment for services of the following establishments: Telmex, Movistar, Cablevisión, Axtel, CFE, SKY, Telcel, Seguros Monterrey, GMAC, UDLA, Alestra, American Express, MAPFRE Tepeyac. If payments are made following 8:00 p.m., they apply to the next business day.

Cash withdrawal up to 8 ml pesos.

These are the dates without banking activity

February 5th.

March 18th.

March 28 and 29 (Holy Week)

May 1.

16 of September.

October 1st.

November 2.

November 18th.

December 12th.

December 25th.

Sundays throughout the year.

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