BBL: Karim Jallow reveals hair and body secret | Sport –

BBL: Karim Jallow reveals hair and body secret | Sport –

Body? Beautiful! Hair? Beautiful! And this is how he does it!

Karim Jallow (27) is one of the favorites in the easycredit BBLThe Ratiopharm Ulm star is currently preparing for the new season with the 2023 champions and reveals his fitness and beauty secrets.

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Source: BILD/x@OneSportsPHL21.08.2024

In the DYN format ‘Inside’, the former national player reveals: “I drink beetroot juice every day. No joke. It doesn’t taste great, but it’s very helpful.”

Jallow swears by the vegetable: “I’ve actively noticed that it’s good for me. I’ve had more stamina since then. Drinking one doesn’t make you Superman, but it’s scientifically proven that it’s good for the body.”

Science says the juice can lower blood pressure, promote blood circulation and is also good for skin, nails and hair.

Speaking of hair: The former national player swears by Cantu hair care products!

Jallow: “It’s not that easy to tame my hair. For my mixed curls, Cantu is the best thing there is. My other brothers swear by it too.”

BBL: Karim Jallow reveals hair and body secret | Sport –

Because: World champion Johannes Tiehmann (30/moved from Alba Berlin to Japan) and new Bayern player Oscar da Silva (25/came from Barcelona) are also big fans of the hair product, which is particularly good for taming African curls.

Beautiful hair, fit body – the season can start for Jallow. Ulm starts in the BBL on September 22nd (live on DYN) in Chemnitz.

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Source: BILD/Instagram/X12.08.2024



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