Poor fellows – schoolchildren are waiting for exams to test knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Secondary school students will have to take part of the centralized exams at the optimal or basic level, part at the high or advanced level, and in three subjects the exam will be digital.

This year pupils of the basic school will take centralized examinations: in the Latvian language, mathematics, foreign language and interdisciplinary field. This means that the exam session will be a serious test for schools.

As Pavel Pestov, senior expert of the State Center for the Content of Education, said at a meeting of the Seimas Commission on Education, the reason why examinations of different levels were introduced is the different number of lessons in subjects in secondary schools, state gymnasiums and vocational schools, for example, in mathematics this number was 420, 525 -700 and 320 lessons, respectively, but all graduates passed the same exam in content. Therefore, examinations of the optimal (basic) and high (advanced) level were introduced.



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