Bazas slaughterhouse in Gironde: the Commercial Court sets a new deadline to rectify the situation

2024-08-14 16:22:13

nitrogenBrought a new breath of fresh air to the Bazas Slaughterhouse. At a hearing on Wednesday 17 July, the Commercial Court extended by six months the judicial recovery proceedings launched in February 2024. “This means that the measures taken are bearing fruit. After a six-month first observation phase, the court is confident enough to give us this new deadline…

nitrogenBrought a new breath of fresh air to the Bazas Slaughterhouse. At a hearing on Wednesday 17 July, the Commercial Court extended by six months the judicial recovery proceedings launched in February 2024. “This means that the measures taken are bearing fruit. After a six-month preliminary observation phase, the court is confident enough to give us this new deadline,” said Romain, director of the Single Operator Mixed Economy Company (Semop), which manages the slaughterhouse. Queré said happily.

For many years, public equipment has been in a chronic state of deficit, facing high operating costs and low output. In 2022, he has already lost 300,000 euros. The protection of the Commercial Court allows it to continue its activities while temporarily freeing itself from the pressure of creditors, Bazars management and the Bazardes Commune Community (CdC).

“Next year the output will reach 1,250 tons and we will break even. It is basically achievable.”

Freezing debt for another six months should help buy time for recovery strategies to continue. A one-year rent freeze of €84,000 provided by the CdC also constitutes a significant aid. The goal now is to quickly find the amount needed to reach equilibrium or even make a profit. “The Commercial Court emphasized the rigor of the presentation of the data and the veracity of the predictions,” reports Romain Queré.

Increase in quantity

Starting this year, the slaughterhouse plans to produce about 1,100 tons, compared with 940 tons last year, then 1,250 tons by 2025 and 1,600 tons the following year. “Next year the production will reach 1,250 tons and we will break even. This is largely achievable,” said the director, who took over last September and believes his mission is to save breeders in Bazardes and beyond. Required equipment.

To achieve this, the strategy is developed around three axes. First, “restoring trust in customers, suppliers, breeders, employees and elected officials.” The second axis, the search for volume: “The new pig anklets established this year continue to grow and attract new breeders. » Finally, the third axis, by renegotiating contracts, reducing staff to 10 or slaughter day Rationalization to “optimize costs.”

“Everyone is working hard and we are on the right path. I am confident about the future. New arguments will be presented to the Commercial Court on January 25. Romain Querrey wants the judicial restoration process to be extended for another six months.

cutting room

The slaughterhouse of the Bazas slaughterhouse is subject to mandatory liquidation in December 2023 and may be reopened in the coming months. The company La Charcuterie bordelaise, which is relaunching its business, is interested in this equipment. Bazadais CdC shall launch a call for expressions of interest.

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