Battlefield 2042: low popularity? Previous installments are rubbing their hands

Game News Battlefield 2042: low popularity? Previous installments are rubbing their hands

During the traditional releases of the new opuses of Call of Duty and Battlefield, one would have thought of a new war between the two eternal rivals for the place of the best FPS of war. However, the two failed to fully convince the audience. Worse still for Battlefield 2042, the game is increasingly shunned by the community who prefers to find comfort in the previous installments.


  • Total war… and desert!
  • A failure that still benefits the license

Total war… and desert!

The conclusion is hard for Battlefield 2042. Yet full of promise, the latest creation from DICE Studios and Electronic Arts will not have left the hoped-for imprint in the hearts of gamers. More wounded in their pride as players than smug with admiration in front of this new component, buyers were quick to show their anger to the studio and publisher, going as far as create a petition requesting a refund for the game.

Battlefield 2042: low popularity?  Previous installments are rubbing their hands

The cloth is burning, it is undeniable and Electronic Arts can only note the failure and try to understand the reasons: during a recent meeting, the American publisher turned the problem around to find the answers to his questions. However, all that remains to be done on the DICE side is to polish the game in order to make it more attractive: speaking of which, the maps will be reworked. In the meantime, fans of the license continue to have fun … but on the old opuses!

A failure that still benefits the license

As our colleagues at IGN discovered, the popularity rating of Battlefield 2042 could not be lower: currently, the game’s attendance figures fluctuate between 1,900 and 2,000 online players. For several days, Battlefield 2042 does not even pass the bar of 3000 connected players as shown by the graphs of the SteamDB platform. This admission of weakness of the title of DICE goes even further since the scores are all the stronger on the side of the old games of the franchise!

I have to say that Battlefield 2042 is one of the lowest-rated games on Steam, and it doesn’t take much for gamers to rush to older episodes. Many have gone to find Battlefield V, Battlefield 1 or Battlefield 4 which was however released at the very end of October 2013! The attendance figures for these titles prove the disenchantment between players and Battlefield 2042 : 7364 for Battlefield V3270 for Battlefield 1 and 2064 for Battlefield 4.

All are now doing better than the last episode which now only brings together 2% of the players, if we take as a reference the highest peak recorded on the SteamDB platform, namely 105,397 players registered simultaneously.. It remains to be seen now whether DICE Studios and Electronic Arts will be able to restore color to the title thanks to the improvements they will produce as they go along.

Battlefield 2042: low popularity?  Previous installments are rubbing their hands

About Battlefield 2042

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By JinxebWriting


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